Host a Conference

LiveO2 con­fer­ence is sim­ple for vis­i­tors and fast for hosts. 

Pro tip: You’re a Host — the peo­ple you invite are your visitors

Easy-Peasy Visitor Instructions:

  1. Click Room Link:
  2. Click to lobby 
    2. Select Con­fer­ence Room
  3. Or Dial by phone : 970 – 999-1793 (Meet­ing Mode Only)
  4. Zip-Link for One-click to Room:

Easy Peasy Hosting Instructions

Click top the LiveO2 Lobby

Click on the Host in the upper left corner 

  • Login if necessary
  • Con­fig­ure your Conference
  • Start your Conference
2) Click on Host
3) Con­fig­ure Your conference
4) Start your Conference

Room Tutorial

Con­fer­ence Room Tour

Advanced Hosting:

Host­ing is the process of set­ting up a meet­ing that oth­ers can attend. Peo­ple who come to your meet­ings are vis­i­tors. Once you’ve logged in as a host con­fer­enc­ing is fast:

Start a conference

Host Start Conference15 Sec­ondsHost
Zip Link Attend9 sec­ondsVis­i­tor
Attend via Lobby11 Sec­ondsVis­i­tor
Host Login30 sec­ondsHost
Upload Logo & Headshot120 sec­ondsHost
Receive Con­fer­ence RecordingsCon­fer­ence DurationHost
Con­fig­ure a Host30 Sec­ondsAdmin
Con­fer­ence Test Times

Step 1 — Test your Browser

Test­ing your brows­er is a rig­or­ous check of your cam­era, brows­er and inter­net con­nec­tion. This test assures your com­put­er is able to host a con­fer­ence. If your com­put­er pass­es this test your com­put­er is good to go!

Step 2 — Access the Hosting Portal

Book­mark this page to so you can start a con­fer­ence quick­ly. The por­tal is also linked from the Con­fer­ence Lob­by: — Click the cam­era-host icon in the upper left corner.

Step 3 — Login to Portal

The Host­ing Por­tal uses infor­ma­tion you already know to authen­ti­cate. The por­tal will ask for:

  • Your Email (Any email asso­ci­at­ed with your LiveO2 account)
  • Your Phone Num­ber (any phone num­ber asso­ci­at­ed with your account)
  • Your Postal Code (Your billing zip code) This means that ONLY LiveO2 cus­tomers can use the con­fer­enc­ing system.

To spare you from remem­ber­ing more pass­words we used authen­ti­ca­tion with stuff you already know. Your login will remain active for about 6 months so you won’t have to login again for a long time. Our goal was to make con­fer­enc­ing seam­less and fast as possible.

Step 4 — Publish Your Room

Your con­fer­ence room is yours and does­n’t change. 

Your room link is
The Room name is your First Name fol­lowed by your last initial.

The durable room link makes it easy to con­fig­ure recur­ring appointments.

You can use it in all your cal­en­dar appoint­ments. Your col­leagues and cus­tomers know where to find you. 

After they use it once, the sys­tem remem­bers their set­tings when pos­si­ble to min­i­mize deci­sions and clicks.

Your Room Name Fixed. In usu­al­ly your first name fol­lowed by first let­ter of your last name.

  1. Send vis­i­tor
  2. Click on your meeting

Very use­ful when you can­not send your vis­i­tor a link for any reason.

Goes straight to a but does not iden­ti­fy the vis­i­tor. The vis­i­tor must iden­ti­fy them­self before they get in.<YourRoom>

Use this link to set­up group meetings.

Vis­i­tor has to enter a name to access a room 

A Zip-Link includes the name of the vis­i­tor that will be assigned to the vis­i­tor on entry. The Zip Link saves vis­i­tors typing.<YourRoom>/<VisitorName>

Per­son­al invi­ta­tions to vis­i­tors are sent as zip links

The invite pan­el sends a Zip Link so vis­i­tors don’t have to type their name 

Dial In 970 999 1793

Rooms opened in meet­ing mode are offered to dial-in visitors. 

Rooms with dial in vis­i­tors are show inse­cure to all guests with a red back­ground and a x‑shield in the low-left corner.

Step 5 — Configure and Start Your Room

Select Devices

Mod­ern com­put­ers have mul­ti­ple input and out­put selec­tions. My desk­top com­put­er has:

  • 2 Cam­eras
  • 5 Micro­phone Choices

When you enter a con­fer­ence you will need to select the prop­er micro­phone and camera. 

Most users con­fig­ure their com­put­er’s default to their favorite com­bo, which is the way I’m configured.

Exam­ple of Devices on a Com­put­er but using the default selection

Note your con­fer­ence room link. This link is your pri­vate room address. Any­body that splash­es clicks this link will enter your room. Our goal was to make it real­ly easy for you to get vis­i­tors into your pri­vate con­fer­ence room. All you have to do is send them the link or get them to splash into the LiveO2 lob­by and click into your conference.

Top­icGive your meet­ing a name so Lob­by vis­i­tors know to select your meeting
RoomThis is the name of your room. Your meet­ing Links will always be
ModeSee Con­fer­ence Modes Below
Pub­licWhen clicked the room will be open to the pub­lic. You can lock the room after all your guests arrive.
RecordRecords the meeting
StartStarts the conference
Con­fer­ence Options
Room Options

Advanced Features

The options enable you to con­fig­ure advanced fea­tures for your room. 

Conference Modes

Before you start your con­fer­ence you will select a con­fer­ence mode. 

Con­fer­ence ModePar­tic­i­pantsRecordPur­pose
Pri­vate2noPri­vate con­ver­sa­tion. After your vis­i­tor joins, the room is locked and no oth­ers can join. Use this mode when you want an unin­ter­rupt­ed con­ver­sa­tion with one oth­er person.
Chat2 – 5noSmall meet­ing peer to peer. This con­fer­ence mode mutu­al­ly con­nects each com­put­er with­out a cen­tral serv­er. This mode con­ceals the par­tic­i­pants. Dial-in is not supported
Meet­ing2 – 50yesThis mode is sup­ports pro­fes­sion­al meet­ings and con­fer­ences. It is sup­port­ed on a cen­tral server.
Pod­cast2+yesStarts the room in Meet­ing Mode with record­ing enabled for record­ed meetings.
Con­fer­ence Room Modes


Click­ing the record box will cause the meet­ing to be recorded.

Record­ed meet­ings are indi­cat­ed by a red timer back­ground through­out the meet­ing. After the meet­ing is com­plete, the host is mailed links to the con­fer­ence recordings.


  • Each con­fer­ence par­tic­i­pant is record­ed as an video stream, mp4. This fea­ture enables post-pro­duc­tion edit­ing to cus­tomize the audio and video (mute bark­ing dogs, horns, etc that often com­pro­mise audio and video quality.)
  • The com­pos­ite stream blends all con­fer­ence par­tic­i­pants and screen shares. This is often help­ful for quick post-meet­ing dis­tri­b­u­tion to share a meet­ing among participants.
  • Down­load all record­ings to pre­serve them serv­er pol­i­cy only retains record­ings 30 days;

Room Lock

An unlocked room is vis­i­ble in the lob­by so any vis­i­tor in the lob­by can enter your meet­ing. A locked room is unlist­ed by the lob­by and any vis­i­tor who attempts to enter is rejected.

See video tuto­r­i­al for instructions.

The invite link is active dur­ing a meet­ing and enables you to invite a new par­tic­i­pant by Zip link:

  • Grab the Room Link
  • Send Zip Link by Email
  • Send Zip Link by SMS (text)

See video tuto­r­i­al for instructions

Screen Shares

The con­fer­ence facil­i­ty enables lim­it­ed browsers to share screens:

  • Google Chrome
  • Safari
  • Fire­fox
  • Microsoft edge (unknown)

See tuto­r­i­al for instructions

Time Goof Alert

If some­body splash­es to your room and you’re not there the sys­tem will send you a text mes­sage to your phone. 

This is handy for:

  • Hosts that for­got they sched­uled a con­fer­ence sometime;
  • Vis­i­tors who show up at the wrong time the mes­sage alerts the hosts that the vis­i­tor had an issue;
  • It real­ly helps to enable the host to han­dle sched­ule goofs.

Why build a conferencing platform?

Only fools speak freely.

In my last career I did mil­i­tary work and became aware that all forms of elec­tron­ic com­mu­ni­ca­tions are record­ed and kept for­ev­er. We were told that pri­va­cy per­sist­ed in that the anonymi­ty of each speak­er. A FISA war­rant was required to asso­ciate a record­ing to a person. 

Short­ly there­after it was pub­licly dis­closed that the phone com­pa­nies record sender and receiv­er every phone call any­body makes to the gov­ern­ment. The gov­ern­ment knows every­one you talk to and tracks it as a net­work graph.

In 2016 overt dis­re­gard for FISA war­rant require­ments became pub­lic. Pri­va­cy was overt­ly abused by all man­ner of gov­ern­ment toads. 

Sim­ply stat­ed pri­va­cy did not exist. 

See Also:

Specific Goals

Pri­va­cy objectives:

  • Hide who is talk­ing to whom from outsiders;
  • Encrypt every­thing said;
  • Show when comms are not secure.

Qual­i­ty of Service

  • Deliv­er the LiveO2 brand in every conversation;
  • Max­i­mize com­mu­ni­ca­tion quality;
  • Deliv­er dis­trib­uted train­ing and care;
  • Enable live biometrics;
  • Have eyes and ears in the field for support.

Why not use Skype or Zoom?

Our ini­tial dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion for Zoom or Skype was a quest to inte­grate live bio­met­ric devices data our train­ing sys­tems for heart rate, pulse oxime­try, exer­cise equip­ment pow­er, and the like.

Then the health indus­try got weird. Back in 2018, the Youtube CEO overt­ly declared that sci­en­tif­ic ref­er­ences that sup­port­ed util­i­ty of Vit­a­min C for var­i­ous dis­eases was sci­en­tif­ic misinformation. 

When Microsoft acquired Skype it was obvi­ous that Skype would soon be a war­rant­less sur­veil­lance systems.

Big Tech seemed soon to tar­get health prod­ucts and plat­forms. Black Rock and Van­guard are major­i­ty own­ers in drug com­pa­nies, Ama­zon, Microsoft, Zoom and Google. 

User pri­va­cy on all com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tems includ­ing Google, Face­book, Skype, Zoom and all oth­ers was overt­ly for­feit. The plat­forms were only free because the intel these plat­forms gain lis­ten­ing and watch­ing every­one com­mu­ni­ca­tions make worth giv­ing away.

Every com­mu­ni­ca­tion com­pa­ny sold out user privacy.

To be blunt — The tech­ni­cal staff of LiveO2 began to dis­trust Big Tech long ago. The abil­i­ty to evolve mar­ket­ing, chan­nels and sup­port to a free-stand­ing plat­form which could serve the LiveO2, and gen­er­al health mar­ket seemed like a good idea.

We sup­port this plat­form because we want every­one you engage to dis­cov­er LiveO2.

Updated on May 16, 2023

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