Advocate / Affiliate Program

Thank you for your inter­est in becom­ing an Advo­cate or Affil­i­ate part­ner for LiveO2. If you are already a mem­ber click the but­ton to login:

Program Qualifications

What’s the dif­fer­ence between an Advo­cate and an Affiliate?

  • We assign affil­i­ates mar­ket­ing spe­cial­ist to reg­u­lar­ly cre­ate audi­ence-tar­get­ed con­tent. This is a lev­el of pro­fes­sion­al mar­ket­ing sup­port that helps the affil­i­ate cre­ate mes­sag­ing tai­lored to the affil­i­ate’s audience.
  • Advo­cates pub­lish their own expe­ri­ences as a LiveO2 customer.

Advocate Qualification

Advo­cate: Be a LiveO2 cus­tomer or user with social media out­reach. The audi­ence con­tent will be your sto­ry which we help you tell your social media audi­ence. This starts out as a 5‑minute video we will pro­duce where you tell your sto­ry to your audience.

Affiliate Qualifications

An Affil­i­ate is a high­er-lev­el pro­gram for a larg­er audi­ence. The dif­fer­ence is that we engage in pro­fes­sion­al mar­ket­ing sup­port to help you cre­ate a brand and expe­ri­ence a con­sis­tent mes­sage that explains LiveO2 to your mar­ket audience.

You must be a LiveO2 user to be an affil­i­ate. Why? Absent real expe­ri­ence using LiveO2 you are not qual­i­fied to speak cred­i­bil­i­ty to any audience.

  1. Man­age­ment of com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels with an audi­ence regard­ing health or per­for­mance-relat­ed sub­ject matter. 
    • Email newslet­ter with more than 50 subscribers;
    • Youtube chan­nel with more than 200 subscribers;
    • Face­book page or group, or oth­er social media chan­nel with more than 200 subscribers.
  2. Or an estab­lished busi­ness where you work with clients relat­ing to health-relat­ed matters;
  3. Or a senior refer­ral part­ner, who has sub­mit­ted 10 per­son­al con­tacts with a bonafide inter­est in LiveO2, as per­son­al referrals.

Application Form

To see if you qual­i­fy to take the next step, please com­plete our Advo­cate / Affil­i­ate Appli­ca­tion Form.

Form not show­ing? Click to Access Back­up affil­i­ate form.

Program Continuation Rules

Advocate Program

Any­time you have some­thing you’d like to say to your audi­ence con­tact us and we will help you for­mu­late and deliv­er the message.

Affiliate Program

  1. At least annu­al pub­li­ca­tion pro­mot­ing LiveO2 in the com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nel that results in 10 leads per pri­or 12 months;
  2. Or a min­i­mum of 10 refer­rals over the last 12 months;
  3. Or an ongo­ing busi­ness where LiveO2 is reg­u­lar­ly, at least once per month, used to train cus­tomers or clients in a fixed or mobile application.

Affil­i­ate Track­ing and main­te­nance Pend­ing accep­tance into the affil­i­ate pro­gram you will receive peri­od­ic com­mu­ni­ca­tions relat­ing to track­ing traffic.

Program Tracking

LiveO2 sup­ports three dif­fer­ent affil­i­ate track­ing process designed for three dif­fer­ent applications:

  • Tagged Links — email broad­casts, has a URL para­me­ter afid=“Your-Affiliate-ID”
  • LiveO2 splash page — Face­book posts, Insta­gram, and oth­er social media
  • Refer­ring Domain or Page — Blog posts on a man­aged serv­er with a sta­t­ic domain name. This makes it easy to link to any LiveO2 con­tent by just linking.

Why did we create the LiveO2 advocate/affiliate system?

Most track­ing sys­tems are designed for impulse pur­chas­es where there is a short time between a first vis­it and a pur­chase. These sys­tems work well for low priced items where the price of the prod­uct is low.

Durable equip­ment shop­pers, like LiveO2 cus­tomers, usu­al­ly pre­fer research LiveO2 to assure it is appro­pri­ate for their needs and to assure that oxy­gen will be help­ful to them. This process often takes con­sid­er­able time result­ing in a sig­nif­i­cant delay between dis­cov­ery via an affil­i­ate part­ner and a purchase.

The Live Care affil­i­ate plat­form gath­ers the long-term his­to­ry of a vis­i­tor so the events which result in a pur­chase can usu­al­ly be back-traced to an affiliate.

How it Works

The affil­i­ate track­ing process is tracked by brows­er fingerprint.

Vis­i­tors’ infor­ma­tion remains pri­vate and anony­mous until the vis­i­tor choos­es to iden­ti­fy them­selves by vol­un­tar­i­ly sup­ply­ing iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion, name, email, etc by mak­ing dig­i­tal con­tact with LiveO2. Until this point, they remain anony­mous, and only iden­ti­fied by their browser.

Our servers attempt to retain fin­ger­print infor­ma­tion until the vis­i­tor becomes iden­ti­fied by them­self by fill­ing any form.

When a pur­chase occurs the user is back-traced to the affil­i­ate or refer­ring par­ty and a reward is calculated.

If you are send­ing an email or post­ing to a page, you can use a para­me­ter­ized link with the fol­low­ing syn­tax:[number] 

This syn­tax enables you to include links to any LiveO2 page in an email. As soon as the vis­i­tor clicks on this link the vis­i­tor’s brows­er fin­ger­print, but not their iden­ti­ty is vot­ed and record­ed by our system.

Default Splash Page

A default splash page looks like this The URL for­mat lets you link from any plat­form like Youtube,  Face­book or Insta­gram to asso­ciate leads you to help us gen­er­ate new friends;.

Any first-time inbound vis­i­tor that lands on this page will be asso­ci­at­ed to your ID. You can also use the inbound link to any LiveO2 page with the[number]

Tech­ni­cal detail — our servers do not know who your audi­ence is when they splash to our sys­tems. We only dis­cov­er their iden­ti­ty when they iden­ti­fy them­selves by fill­ing out a form. This is why we cre­at­ed the affil­i­ate splash page option.

Custom Splash Page

You can direct traf­fic to an cus­tom splash page. This is a ded­i­cat­ed page on the LiveO2 server.

Our mar­ket­ing team will work with you to cre­ate this con­tent for your audi­ence. The goal of this page is to get your audi­ence to engage with our plat­form. A cus­tom splash page also enables you to guide your audi­ence to a spe­cif­ic agent with LiveO2.

Here is an exam­ple of an Affil­i­ate Splash Page:

Visitor Attribution

Any­one who lands first on this affil­i­ate page will be attrib­uted to the advocate/affiliate.

Since most vis­i­tors will vis­it LiveO2 a few times before they engage with us or fill out a form. We han­dle this we with brows­er fin­ger­prints that enable browsers tem­porar­i­ly asso­ciate the vis­i­tor with the advocate/affiliate.  This fin­ger­print sys­tem enables us to do do the best job pos­si­ble attribut­ing cus­tomer acti­va­tions to you.

Agent Distribution

Our sys­tems dis­trib­ute your leads to our team of agents. This default load-bal­ances our staff and assures we do the best job pos­si­ble ser­vic­ing your audience.

Preferred Agent

If you pre­fer your audi­ence to work with a spe­cif­ic agent — your cus­tom splash page must guide your audi­ence to con­tact a spe­cif­ic agent.  This can be done two ways:

  1. We can cre­ate a cus­tom form which auto­mat­i­cal­ly assigns leads that engage on your cus­tom splash page to a pre­ferred agent.
  2. Include he agen­t’s con­tact infor­ma­tion, phone num­ber, on the splash page. 

This pre­ferred agent prac­tice enables advo­cates to sup­port more con­sis­tent train­ing expe­ri­ence with­in your network.

Team dis­tri­b­u­tion still present on your page via the engage­ment pop­up (ask us) at the bot­tom, and across the LiveO2 ecosystem.

This means you will need to uti­lize the splash page con­tent to guide your audi­ence to engage with your pre­ferred agent while they are on your cus­tom page.

Our entire team remain avail­able to your audi­ence on our glob­al engage­ment sys­tems, but vis­i­tors who engage on your splash page can be assigned to a spe­cif­ic agent.

Affiliate Referring Site

This util­i­ty is designed to make it easy to pro­duce affil­i­ate tracked con­tent. Any arti­cle or page on the refer­ring site needs only a link to any LiveO2 page with a stan­dard link. The refer­ring site is your main web­site. We auto­mat­i­cal­ly asso­ciate any first-time vis­i­tors from your main web­site to you.

For exam­ple any page or post on that includes the link: <a href=“” > How to use LiveO2 </a> would retain the brows­er fin­ger­print for lat­er recognition.

For this to work the refer­ring site ( must be reg­is­tered on the LiveO2 affil­i­ate appli­ca­tion. If you have more than one site or refer­ring page please con­tact sup­port for addi­tion­al registration.

LiveO2. Con­tact our A refer­ring URL is a reg­is­tered web page or site, blog post or oth­er reg­is­tered URL.

Option­al Refer­ral Noti­fi­ca­tion — We sug­gest you include this text on your site’s terms infor­ma­tion: “This site has a mar­ket­ing part­ner­ship with LiveO2 and may receive com­pen­sa­tion for LiveO2 purchases.”

Advocate and Affiliate Rewards

LiveO2 advo­cate and affil­i­ate rewards are paid at a rate of 6.7% for all sys­tem purchases.

Affil­i­ate pay­outs nor­mal­ly issue 60 days after a referred or one of your vis­i­tors pur­chas­es a LiveO2 Sys­tem.

Acces­so­ry items are not includ­ed in affil­i­ate reward calculations.

Affiliate Experience Requirements

Advo­cates always start out as LiveO2 cus­tomers and receive our train­ing and edu­ca­tion. This means they under­stand LiveO2 quite well before they intro­duce it to their audi­ences. Their mes­sages con­vey per­son­al suc­cess with LiveO2.

Affil­i­ates usu­al­ly require edu­ca­tion to help an estab­lished audi­ence how and why LiveO2 will help them. This requires LiveO2 to edu­cate the Affil­i­ate like a cus­tomer, and to devel­op mes­sag­ing to help the affil­i­ate explain LiveO2 to their par­tic­u­lar audience:

  • Start with user-lev­el train­ing — like a LiveO2 customer
  • Advance pro­fes­sion­al-lev­el sup­port to become able to speak author­i­ta­tive­ly about LiveO2 to their audience 
    • Under­stand why Adap­tive Con­trast is rel­e­vant to their audience
    • Sup­port our staff to build syn­er­gy mod­el­ing rel­a­tive to their audi­ence’s interests
  • The affil­i­ate may not pro­mote a com­peti­tors prod­uct for 5 years
  • The affil­i­ate must assign a con­tact per­son to work with us on con­tent cre­ation & promotion


What does it take to make me a suc­cess­ful affiliate?

  1. First, we have to cre­ate a suc­cess­ful LiveO2 expe­ri­ence for you. You’ll need access to the LiveO2 sys­tem, and basic train­ing to get started.
  2. Sec­ond, you’ll need advanced train­ing so that you can edu­cate you beyond our nor­mal cus­tomer so you can accu­rate­ly rep­re­sent LiveO2 to your audi­ence. This means you will need to be able to express how low and high oxy­gen train­ing will ben­e­fit your audience.
  3. Third, we will need to edu­cate your audi­ence. We will work togeth­er to cre­ate col­lat­er­als that speak to your audi­ence about these ben­e­fits and to keep it fresh over time we’ll need to pro­duce some­thing every 2 – 3 months to keep your audi­ence engaged.
  4. This will add up to about $10 K in get­ting our rela­tion­ship up and run­ning so we can prof­it by it and help you deliv­er mes­sag­ing that con­verts to your audi­ence. This is why we require more from affil­i­ates than from advocates.

Oxy­gen is sim­ple right?

  1. That’s what we want most peo­ple to think to begin with… but noth­ing could be fur­ther from the truth.
  2. Peo­ple adopt LiveO2 because they believe it will help them achieve their health goals. On one hand, we have to keep it as sim­ple as pos­si­ble. On the oth­er peo­ple’s needs tend to be very dif­fer­ent. Build­ing the bridge between a sim­ple intro­duc­tion and cre­at­ing a process where cus­tomers achieve their health goals is any­thing but simple.

LiveO2 is a hard­ware product?

  1. Not real­ly. LiveO2 includes hard­ware but the hard­ware is only part of the prod­uct. Most cus­tomers need train­ing and then sup­port to cre­ate a health pro­gram that fits their needs. The effort required to cre­ate a suc­cess­ful and hap­py LiveO2 cus­tomer often takes many hours by very skilled trainers.
  2. This “extra-care” means that each LiveO2 cus­tomer is built on expe­ri­ences and knowl­edge which have tak­en us about 10 years to devel­op. We also learned that it takes a lot of soft time with each cus­tomer to cre­ate success.
  3. The user quest for a per­son­al health solu­tion makes LiveO2 more valu­able and more com­plex than just a piece of hard­ware. It also cre­ates hid­den rea­sons, aka costs, those hard­ware-cen­tric out­lets can­not deliv­er. (We know because we’ve tried.)

Why don’t LiveO2 affil­i­ate rewards don’t match oth­er hard­ware products?

  1. LiveO2 is mar­ket­ed as a health solu­tion — not just hard­ware. The behind the scenes work our staff does with each cus­tomer is hid­den. With­out it most cus­tomers fail to achieve their goals and end up with a piece of hard­ware that fails to sat­is­fy the cus­tomer’s needs.
  2. High­er affil­i­ate rewards reflect oth­er prod­ucts with sim­ple-usage — or bait from knock-off com­peti­tors who lack the skill and abil­i­ty to deliv­er the behind-the-scenes ser­vice that enables cus­tomer success.
  3. The LiveO2 com­pen­sa­tion sched­ule incor­po­rates three ele­ments that unique to the LiveO2 Market: 
    1. Cus­tomers are buy­ing life­time health asset;
    2. LiveO2 deliv­ers cus­tomer training/education to enable success;
    3. LiveO2 sup­ports the affil­i­ate with ongo­ing con­tent pub­li­ca­tion sup­port for con­tin­u­ing rev­enue generation.
  4. This ongo­ing invest­ment means that LiveO2 affil­i­ates enjoy a prof­itable long term rela­tion­ship with LiveO2 that max­i­mizes the affil­i­ate rev­enue, brand equi­ty, and sales.

Does LiveO2 have high­er lev­el programs?

Yes — but these pro­grams require core pro­fi­cien­cy with LiveO2. LiveO2 train­ers study about 3 years to become pro­fi­cient. Our train­ers learn how:

  1. Learn how to express LiveO2 val­ue with­out mak­ing med­ical claims
  2. Learn how to cre­ate suc­cess­ful cus­tomer experiences
  3. Train users safe­ly and successfully
  4. Under­stand the MANY phys­i­o­log­i­cal effects that users experience
  5. Tra­verse issues that result from med­ical mis­in­for­ma­tion & disinformation
  6. Exhib­it the skill and integri­ty required to rep­re­sent the LiveO2 brand.
Updated on April 13, 2023

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