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Channel Partner Program

LiveO2 works with chan­nel part­ners to grow and serve mar­kets. A LiveO2 chan­nel part­ner is a ser­vice out­let that uses LiveO2 to train clients who sub­se­quent­ly choose to pur­chase their own LiveO2 system.

LiveO2 cus­tomer devel­op­ment has sev­er­al stages:

  • LiveO2 Intro­duc­tion — occurs when a busi­ness rela­tion­ship intro­duces a new cus­tomer to LiveO2. This is often called lead gen­er­a­tion. This process is often sup­port­ed by the LiveO2 Advo­cate or Affil­i­ate programs.
  • Mak­ing the Sale occurs when a new lead becomes a cus­tomer by pur­chas­ing a LiveO2 system. 
  • Cus­tomer Boot­strap - is when a new cus­tomer has their sys­tem up and run­ning and is able to be suc­cess­ful with begin­ner train­ing protocols.
  • Cus­tomer Devel­op­ment — This train­ing lev­el sup­ports cus­tomer’s pur­suit of a spe­cif­ic health objec­tive or per­for­mance goal. It nor­mal­ly involves guid­ance to and through a train­ing process designed to enable the cus­tomer to achieve one or more health goals in their per­son­al or pro­fes­sion­al community.
  • Mar­ket Devel­op­er - This is an advanced lev­el of devel­op­ment where a chan­nel part­ner works with LiveO2 to intro­duce to a gen­er­al class of new users and requires the Mar­ket Devel­op­er to “fund” the devel­op­ment of a new market.

Your Agent

Your agent will be your train­er and con­tact point. Your agent will coach you and pro­vide sup­port for your customers. 

A chan­nel part­ner’s reward lev­el is man­aged by the agent. Your agent receives a frac­tion­al reward for each sale a chan­nel part­ner makes. 

When a part­ner at reward Lev­el 2 makes a sale, the agent receives a 1/2 reward; when a part­ner at reward Lev­el 3 the agent receives a 1/3 reward, and so on.

This estab­lish­es a reward bal­ance sys­tem between the agent and the chan­nel part­ner. When the agen­t’s work­load decreas­es because a part­ner is doing a great job, the agent advances the part­ner’s reward lev­el. This sys­tem enables part­ners and agents to max­i­mize their suc­cess by work­ing together. 


For a chan­nel part­ner with a store, a reward is a fixed dis­count on sys­tems asso­ci­at­ed with the part­ner’s shop.liveo2.com account. This enables the part­ner to log in to the LiveO2 store to enter drop-ship orders or to order inven­to­ry at a discount. 

Refer­rals and Advo­cates are dif­fer­ent pro­grams that dri­ve traf­fic to LiveO2. These sys­tems have dig­i­tal cap­ture sys­tems and are not our sys­tems that will mon­i­tor your traf­fic con­ver­sions and we pay these rewards monthly.

Price Discount Rules

LiveO2 pro­hibits price under­cut­ting in chan­nel network. 

Why? Say you’ve been work­ing to devel­op a cus­tomer. This pen­ny-wise cus­tomer goes to google and search­es for “LiveO2 dis­count” and finds a coupon code that will save them a few dollars.

Next, this cus­tomer con­tacts our chan­nel part­ner to enjoy the dis­count. You lost a cus­tomer. If LiveO2 allows our chan­nel part­ners to start down this path, it erodes every­one’s margin.

This is why we adopt­ed rules that pro­hib­it all chan­nel part­ners from price com­pe­ti­tion. All chan­nel part­ners must only rep­re­sent LiveO2 at retail prices and not list prices pub­li­cal­ly. If you want to list LiveO2 on your web­site — con­tact us and we will pro­vide you source-code that lists a LiveO2 prod­uct live in your store with real-time price.

Please use our Refer-a-Friend pro­gram if you want us to split a reward with one of your cus­tomers, friends or fam­i­ly. This pro­gram enables you to choose to use your reward as a pur­chas­er dis­count, or received it as a reward. 

The goal of this pol­i­cy is to com­pel LiveO2 chan­nel part­ners to dif­fer­en­ti­ate on the basis of the val­ue they deliv­er to their customers.

Private Audience Discounts are okay

A reseller may offer a dis­count pro­mo­tion to a pri­vate audi­ence. A pri­vate audi­ence is an email list, Face­book group or oth­er audi­ence which is only acces­si­ble by the part­ner’s pri­vate audience. 


  • Dis­count codes are only avail­able to pri­vate audiences;
  • These pro­mo­tions are only valid for 1 month or less;
  • Any dis­count list­ed on the inter­net will not be honored.

This pol­i­cy pre­vents the gam­ing of dis­counts by chan­nel part­ners. If you are prepar­ing to pro­mote LiveO2 at a con­fer­ence, pri­vate event, or cam­paign — please con­tact your agent to obtain a 30-day dis­count code.

Public Discounts Not Honored

For exam­ple, any google search that returns a dis­count code “LiveO2 dis­count” will not be hon­ored as this under­cuts the price and thus mar­gin for all oth­er LiveO2 chan­nel partners.

Resellers are pro­hib­it­ed from adver­tis­ing dis­counts on the inter­net to enable oth­er resellers to main­tain the mar­gins nec­es­sary to sup­port the Qual­i­ty of Ser­vice assur­ance of the LiveO2 brand. 

Exam­ple scam code:


SKU Restrictions

Mix and Match Systems Prohibited

LiveO2 sys­tems must be sold as sys­tems and may not be com­bined with air sep­a­ra­tors, or parts from oth­er suppliers. 

The LiveO2 Stan­dard Sys­tem includes 3 SKUs. Each con­fig­u­ra­tion sup­plies a com­plete LiveO2 sys­tem, usu­al­ly in a sin­gle box. The pack­ag­ing asserts Every­thing you need is in this box.

Each SKU sat­is­fies a cus­tomer needs vari­ant. These con­fig­u­ra­tions are select­ed on The LiveO2 store by the LiveO2 Stan­dard Sys­tem Product

Every­thing the user needs with a 10 LPM air separator

Stan­dard 10 Litre System.

Every­thing the user needs plus 5 LPM air separator.

Stan­dard 5 Litre System.

LO2-Std-Resp­KIT Every­thing the user needs except an air separator

This con­fig­u­ra­tion sup­ports users who may already have an air separator.

Con­ver­sion Kit.

In each case, the LiveO2 pack­age deliv­ers every­thing the cus­tomer needs and expects. The LiveO2 brand on the label con­veys our promise to the customer: 

  • LiveO2 stands behind the qual­i­ty of every com­po­nent in the product:
  • LiveO2 will assure the per­for­mance of the prod­uct for at least the dura­tion of the warranty;
  • LiveO2 will direct­ly ser­vice the customer.

Cus­tomers get qual­i­ty for the life­time of the prod­uct. For the cus­tomer, it means LiveO2 has what it takes to solve any prob­lem they will ever have with LiveO2. 

I am a reseller who stocks air separators. Can I buy LiveO2 respirator kits and combine them with my air separators? Answer = No

The end­point of this sce­nario is always an angry cus­tomer when, not if, the air sep­a­ra­tor fails.

Reseller sub­sti­tu­tions mis­rep­re­sent LiveO2 as the sys­tem sup­pli­er to cus­tomers who are led to believe the entire prod­uct is from LiveO2. 

When the air sep­a­ra­tor fails, the cus­tomer calls LiveO2 to trou­bleshoot the prob­lem, with the rea­son­able expec­ta­tion that LiveO2 sup­port will hon­or the LiveO2 war­ran­ty which includes the air separator. 

The cus­tomer ends up annoyed at LiveO2 for not sup­port­ing a prod­uct that they were led to believe was sup­plied by LiveO2 because it was pro­vid­ed by a reseller that acci­den­tal­ly or decep­tive­ly rep­re­sent­ed their LiveO2 sys­tem had a LiveO2 warranty.

Often a year or more lat­er… Dur­ing the ensu­ing sup­port call, our con­fused sup­port staff even­tu­al­ly real­izes that the air sep­a­ra­tor is not a LiveO2 prod­uct. Silent­ly, the sup­port agent braces to lis­ten to upset words from a soon-to-be angry customer. 

The agent next informs the cus­tomer that they received a LiveO2 brand­ed prod­uct with a sub­sti­tut­ed, thus unsup­port­ed, air sep­a­ra­tor. The cus­tomer real­izes they were sold a sys­tem with crit­i­cal com­po­nent fail­ure, lack­ing sup­port, and no warranty. 

The LiveO2 sup­port staff next directs the cus­tomer to con­tact the reseller. These calls are unpleas­ant because the cus­tomer now knows the reseller broke a rule that cre­at­ed a prob­lem, has­sle and time waste the cus­tomer should not have. The agent also pro­vides a link to this doc­u­ment explain­ing how LiveO2 tried to avoid cre­at­ing a bad sit­u­a­tion for the customer. 

The cus­tomer calls the reseller, now upset. The cus­tomer demands reseller to fix their air sep­a­ra­tor. The reseller silent­ly pon­ders their predicament:

  • How much time do I have to waste on this mess?
  • How long will it take for the cus­tomer to stop being mad at me?
  • How long will I have to lis­ten to this cus­tomer com­plain about not hav­ing their system?
  • How angry will the cus­tomer be if I send them to the air sep­a­ra­tor man­u­fac­tur­er to spend hours beg­ging for support? 
  • Do I have to exchange the cus­tomer sep­a­ra­tor, then get the man­u­fac­tur­er to fix it — how long will that take?
  • How long will it take for LiveO2 to revoke my chan­nel part­ner status?

Every­body los­es. This is why LiveO2 pro­hibits sub­sti­tu­tions with our systems.

Our pol­i­cy assures every LiveO2 cus­tomer receives qual­i­ty prod­ucts, ser­vice, and sup­port for the life­time of their LiveO2 prod­uct. The LiveO2 brand label on every LiveO2 Sys­tem car­ries this promise.

Reward Calculation Model

LiveO2 uses a points sys­tem to deter­mine the reward level. 

LiveO2 Intro­duc­tion1The per­son intro­duced to LiveO2 buys a systemRefer­ral, Advo­cate or Affiliate
Close a Sale1/2The LiveO2 store reg­is­ters result­ing in an order entry into the system.Store or salesperson
Cus­tomer Bootstrap1/2Cus­tomer is up and run­ning and able to do basic pro­to­cols includ­ing First Time, Whole Body Flush. Cus­tomer is com­fort­able using LiveO2Cus­tomer Rep­re­sen­ta­tive or Trainer
Cus­tomer Development1Cus­tomer able to under­stand and pur­sue advanced health goals. Cus­tomer evolves to advo­ca­cy of LiveO2 with­in per­son­al network.Train­ing & Per­son­al coaching
Ver­ti­cal Mar­ket Development1Chan­nel part­ner invests in cre­ation of new mar­ket for LiveO2 by actions which result in cre­ation of a new mar­ket for LiveO2. Mar­ket Devel­op­ment Partner
Chan­nel Part­ner Roles

When a chan­nel part­ner begins to work with LiveO2 we ana­lyze the skills and resources of the part­ner to deter­mine which of these ele­ments the part­ner is qual­i­fied and able to per­form. As new part­ners increase pro­fi­cien­cy the roles the chan­nel part­ner suc­cess­ful­ly per­forms increase the points lev­el which deter­mines the reward level. 

For resellers, the LiveO2 store sup­ports 5 reward lev­els. If you are a reseller and have a resale process, your login will auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjust the price accord­ing to the dis­count lev­el con­fig­ured for your account. Our goal is to be adjust­ed to reflect the supe­ri­or per­for­mance of the devel­op­ing partner.

For indi­vid­u­als with­out a retail pres­ence, every month we cal­cu­late rewards for refer­rals, advo­cates, and affil­i­ates. These are nor­mal­ly indi­vid­u­als who pro­mote LiveO2 on social media and oth­er forums. Our sys­tems are built to track your suc­cess — but we rely on you for the first few months to sup­port us in mak­ing sure we get the num­bers right.

Updated on February 6, 2023

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