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Conference Security Features

Assume that all com­mu­ni­ca­tion plat­forms report every­thing said, every­thing heard by whom and to whom. Pri­va­cy is is forfeit. 

Each big-tech ele­ment in the data han­dling infra­struc­ture is com­mit­ted to gath­er­ing and uti­liz­ing all the infor­ma­tion they can for their own ben­e­fit and prof­it, and in some cas­es to your demise. 

They may sub­mit or sell this infor­ma­tion to any par­ty they see fit that they per­ceive serves their inter­ests. The world has changed so much that “mar­ket­ing” use is nom­i­nal­ly valu­able com­pared to sup­port sur­veil­lance initiatives.

Wire­taps are no longer nec­es­sary because every­thing is record­ed all the time. Wire­taps mor­phed to unmask­ing, where the sender and recip­i­ent of a mes­sage become known by an after-the-fact asso­ci­a­tion of a pre­vi­ous­ly record­ed mes­sage to a cor­re­spond­ing sender and receiv­er dig­i­tal address.

In oth­er words, every­thing you do and say is always record­ed. The only secu­ri­ty comes from mak­ing it hard for oth­er peo­ple to asso­ciate mes­sages with peo­ple. This means secu­ri­ty derives from anonymi­ty which con­ceals iden­ti­ty and encryp­tion which increas­es ampli­fies the cost of decod­ing mes­sages from the dig­i­tal soup.

Every­thing you do and say is pub­lic unless you keep it private. 

Reg­u­la­to­ry and judi­cial author­i­ties have abdi­cat­ed their respon­si­bil­i­ty to secure the pub­lic inter­est, just ask Carter Paige.

What’s in it for LiveO2?

LiveO2 uses a rotat­ing two-sided logo at the top of each con­fer­ence panel. 

One side of this logo is LiveO2. The oth­er side is your brand. Host set­up enables you to upload your head­shot and your logo. This process co-brands our relationship. 

Any of your con­fer­ence vis­i­tors that click the logo will open your auto-splash page in a new tab on their brows­er so you can intro­duce them to LiveO2.

When they pur­chase you will receive a reward. This cre­ates a finan­cial win-win for LiveO2 and you. 

Our invest­ment in host­ing con­fer­ences replaces the pro­mo­tion of LiveO2 instead of Zoom. We feel you will pre­fer this because Zoom does­n’t reward you for turn­ing peo­ple on to a great prod­uct that helps peo­ple help­ing them achieve bet­ter health.

Our fan­ta­sy is that some­where in your con­fer­ences they’ll ask “What’s this LiveO2 thing any­way?”.

When they do, please offer as much of an intro­duc­tion as you like, then sug­gest they click the spin­ning logo. This will take them to your cus­tom or vir­tu­al splash page and attribute their engage­ment, and even­tu­al prod­uct pur­chase, to you. 

Surveillance Resistance

Sur­veil­lance is the process of a third par­ty or ven­dor cap­tur­ing data streams or infor­ma­tion about par­tic­i­pants for pur­pos­es unknown or unap­proved by the host, includ­ing details of an appar­ent association.

The Zoom Con­fer­ence Sys­tem roll­out in 2019 tim­ing was very sus­pi­cious. Let’s do a Just When Analysis:

  • Just when every­one got trapped at home there was a great new con­fer­ence platform
  • Just when the gov­ern­ment want­ed to impose mass social sur­veil­lance Zoom appeared
  • Just when the media want­ed to know who they need to watch for sur­veil­lance Zoom appeared; 

Surveillance Culture Nature

Sur­veil­lance tar­gets the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of who says what to whom. There are three ele­ments to this:

  1. Who you talk to
  2. What you say
  3. What you hear

The aggre­gate of this data enables observers to cal­cu­late your dig­i­tal per­son­al­i­ty which they believe sub­stan­tial­ly rep­re­sents your actu­al per­son­al­i­ty and thus enables them to pre­dict, tar­get, cen­sor, or be mean and nasty if they so choose.

Social net­works like Face­book, Google, and seem­ing­ly Zoom con­tin­u­ous­ly mon­i­tor the words, thus thoughts as cre­at­ed by cre­ators, and then con­sumed by audiences. 

It is safe to pre­sume that eco­nom­ic preda­tors, big tech, will record, index, and cat­a­log every word and dis­cern­able thought of every par­tic­i­pant of every conversation. 

Uni­ver­sal depen­dence on phone com­pa­nies, ATT, Ver­i­zon, Google, Face­book, Twit­ter, Zoom, enables big-tech to know every­thing about every­one. This process deprives every­one of all pri­va­cy as the big-tech play­ers abdi­cate their brand promises.

Remem­ber when Google’s changed its theme:

Don’t be evil!


You can be con­fi­dent that use every­thing you say, and hear, to their advan­tage, and often to your disadvantage. 

Why LiveO2 conferencing

LiveO2 built our own con­fer­ence sys­tem because we want to pre­serve our own pri­va­cy with rea­son­able con­fi­dence that our com­mu­ni­ca­tions were secure. 

We arrived at this need when we discovered:

  • Phone com­pa­nies har­vest and sub­mit all phone-call data to the government;
  • All com­mu­ni­ca­tions on pub­lic net­works phone are record­ed and archived;
  • All inter­net traf­fic is jour­naled and archived for lat­er reference;
  • Cell phones pre­cise­ly track every­one’s loca­tion at all times;
  • We observed that pre­sum­ably pri­vate con­ver­sa­tions had been hacked to facil­i­tate censorship;
  • FISA courts can umask any­one’s com­mu­ni­ca­tions at the whim of unscrupu­lous oper­a­tors in gov­ern­ment or con­tract providers (Snow­den Disclosures);
  • Big tech, Google, Face­book, Twit­ter had ful­ly abdi­cat­ed foun­da­tion­al promis­es of pri­va­cy in ser­vice of polit­i­cal and finan­cial goals — there is no cus­tomer loy­al­ty whatsoever;
  • The Zoom pri­va­cy state­ment does not assure any pri­va­cy at all. It mere­ly asserts that the infor­ma­tion you pro­vide to zoom will not be used for marketing;
  • Any­thing these com­pa­nies have access to can be used at any time to harm your inter­ests or fur­ther theirs an any way they see fit.

Basi­cal­ly, the only way to cre­ate any lev­el of secu­ri­ty is to cre­ate it ourselves.

Surveillance Resistance Features

Our sys­tem is engi­neered to hide who you are, what you say, and who you talk to. Absent this infor­ma­tion you have supe­ri­or privacy. 

Anonymous Hosts

  1. Must use VPN to mask IP address
  2. Must Brows­er with Pri­vate URL His­to­ry to mask URL

Anonymous Participants

  1. Must use Brows­er hide URL history
  • Live Con­fer­ences lim­it­ed to 50 participants
Updated on April 27, 2022

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