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Cryptocurrency Payments

Token’s Accepted

We accept gen­er­al­ly most major tokens for pay­ment.

LiveO2 Crypto Addresses

  • Bit­coin: bc1q9jqle4u238nftxprp0835d4je2g03u7eq6vy7d
  • Bit­coin Cash: qq9467fkp7es26n38zq09p552s7jsue7du77969xfe
  • ISO Coins gen­er­al­ly accept­ed. Call for pub­lic address 
  • XRP: r4UmoQ1jR9VMNyq9CcqDzyTK9d7WxuNxyq
  • Eth-20 Address: 0xB27171bB392B90a807c1bd1735E2c7f01F017a4c 
    • Etherem
    • Theta / Tfuel
    • Mat­ic
Check First: Any oth­er token


  1. Pri­va­cy
    1. Inva­sive report­ing require­ments pro­posed for all bank transactions
    2. Inter­na­tion­al / Loca­tion-inde­pen­dent assets
  2. Banks becom­ing unstable 
    1. Esca­lat­ing bail-in risk
    2. Emerg­ing with­draw­al pol­i­cy expect­ed to restrict access to cash
  3.  Infla­tion­ary Stability 
    1. Approach­ing $.5T/day of dol­lar printing
    2. The print­ing rate for dol­lars is expo­nen­tial and recent bank­ing pol­i­cy is like­ly to under­mine world­wide con­fi­dence in banks.
    3. USD no longer world reserve cur­ren­cy — Sup­ply chain continuity -
Updated on September 27, 2024
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