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Exercise Equipment Guide

Fac­tors to con­sid­er for select­ing exer­cise equip­ment to use with LiveO2:

  1. Com­fort — The most impor­tant consideration;
  2. Exer­tion chal­lenge capac­i­ty lev­el match­es fit­ness goals;
  3. Body Involve­ment (more is better);
  4. Joint Impact
  5. Sprint Tran­si­tion Ease — how dif­fi­cult is it to start/stop sprints.

This table attempts to gen­er­al­ly score var­i­ous devices:

Com­fortExer­tion CapacityBody InvolvedJoint ImpactSprint Tran­si­tion EaseNotes
Recum­bent Bikeexcel­lentgoodlegslowexcel­lent
Climb­ing Machinesstand onlyexcel­lentwholelowexcel­lent
Fan assault bikebike seatexcel­lentarms & legslowexcel­lentArm move­ment inter­feres with pulse oximeter
Tread­millpoorgoodrun­ninghighdan­ger­ousIf the user stops run­ning they are thrown off the back.
Spin Bikebike seatgoodlegs most­lylowgoodTra­di­tion­al bicy­cle seat. Fly­wheel inertia.
Row­ing Machinegoodexcel­lentwholelowexcel­lent
Stair­mas­terstand onlyexcel­lentlegslowokslow to increase or decrease challenge

Exercise Equipment

Fan Bike

Schwinn AD6 Air­dyne
The Schwinn AD6 Air­dyne exer­cise bike comes with a qui­et fan that keeps you cool. The bike uses a sin­gle-stage belt dri­ve with a pro­gres­sive wind resis­tance sys­tem which makes it suit­able for any train­ing lev­el. Self-bal­anc­ing foot ped­als allow for greater motion con­trol. Fea­tures include a tele­met­ric heart rate mon­i­tor, an RPM gauge for inter­val train­ing, and an LCD con­sole mon­i­tor­ing dis­tance, time, and calo­ries. This exer­cise bike is per­fect for intense, full-body workouts.

The Assault Air Bike
The Assault Air Bike offers a mod­ern take on the old tra­di­tion­al air resis­tance bike. Using air resis­tance for both upper and low­er extrem­i­ties to cre­ate unlim­it­ed train­ing inten­si­ties, the Assault Air Bike pro­vides a smooth expe­ri­ence using a 25-inch steel fan. The built-in com­put­er allows for moti­va­tion­al train­ing through Taba­ta inter­vals, Watts, and oth­er train­ing chal­lenges. You can also set a calo­rie or dis­tance goal to improve long-term results. If you are look­ing for a com­plete cross-fit work­out bike, this one is a great choice.

Recumbent Bike

Schwinn 270 Recum­bent Bike
Fea­tur­ing 25 lev­els of resis­tance and 29 pro­grams, the Schwinn 270 is a ver­sa­tile recum­bent bike with a ven­ti­lat­ed seat that comes with enhanced lum­bar sup­port. Thanks to a high-iner­tia dri­ve sys­tem, the Schwinn 270 pro­vides an easy start­up and con­sis­tent work­outs. RideS­o­cial App inte­gra­tion means you can visu­al­ize the world as you ride along­side oth­er users while Blue­tooth con­nec­tiv­i­ty makes track­ing results easy.

Spin Bike

Sun­ny Health & Fit­ness Pro Indoor Cycling Bike
With its heavy-duty fly­wheel and frame and eas­i­ly adjustable han­dle­bars and pad, the Indoor Cycling Bike from Sun­ny Health & Fit­ness is a high-qual­i­ty take on the reg­u­lar train­ing bike. It uses a felt fab­ric brake pad sys­tem that allows for very inten­sive work­outs. Cou­pled with the 40-pound fly­wheel, it makes for a very effec­tive sys­tem if you want to build mus­cles while burn­ing more calo­ries. Despite its weight, this pro bike remains portable thanks to the built-in trans­porta­tion wheels.


Body­blade Clas­sic Kit

The Body­blade is a great alter­na­tive for those with min­i­mal space who do not want to use an indoor bike. You can use it to work your core and extrem­i­ties to pro­vide a plat­form phys­i­cal train­ing. The oscil­lat­ing device works to con­tract the mus­cles in your body. Cre­at­ed for a phys­i­cal ther­a­pist the Body­blade is great at build­ing your strength and coordination.

Updated on September 9, 2024
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