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  3. Medical Claim Report Form

Medical Claim Report Form

Please report any con­tent or state­ment which appears to claim a med­ical ben­e­fit from LiveO2 use, or which mis­lead a user to believe LiveO2 may cre­ate a med­ical ben­e­fit when used alone.. 

​The FDA defines a med­ical device as:

  • an instru­ment, appa­ra­tus, imple­ment, machine, con­trivance, implant, in vit­ro reagent, or oth­er sim­i­lar or relat­ed arti­cle, includ­ing a com­po­nent part or acces­so­ry which is: rec­og­nized in the offi­cial Nation­al For­mu­la­ry, or the Unit­ed States Phar­ma­copoeia, or any sup­ple­ment to them,
  • intend­ed for use in the diag­no­sis of dis­ease or oth­er con­di­tions, or in the cure, mit­i­ga­tion, treat­ment, or pre­ven­tion of dis­ease, in man or oth­er ani­mals, or
  • intend­ed to affect the struc­ture or any func­tion of the body of man or oth­er ani­mals, and which does not achieve its pri­ma­ry intend­ed pur­pos­es through chem­i­cal action with­in or on the body of man or oth­er ani­mals and which is not depen­dent upon being metab­o­lized for the achieve­ment of any of its pri­ma­ry intend­ed purposes.”

Please Report any state­ment that:

  1. Direct­ly asso­ciates use of LiveO2 with a med­ical ben­e­fit, or
  2. Does not describe use a com­bi­na­tion of an exer­cise or ther­mal device along with to LiveO2 to acti­vate ener­gy metab­o­lism to pro­duce a health ben­e­fit, or 
  3. Does not sup­port the role of oxy­gen defi­cien­cy as the basis of any ref­er­enced con­di­tion, or
  4. Mis­lead you to con­clude that LiveO2 is a med­ical device by mak­ing any state­ment incon­sis­tent with FDA statutes regard­ing med­ical devices.
Updated on November 4, 2024
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