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  3. Will LiveO2 help Pulmonary Fibrosis ?

Will LiveO2 help Pulmonary Fibrosis ?

This is a fre­quent ques­tion — which we can­not answer. See the LiveO2 Intend­ed Use State­ment.

If you feel this arti­cle con­sti­tutes a Med­ical Claim. Please fill out our Med­ical Claim Report form.

Mak­ing any asser­tion that LiveO2 would help a par­tic­u­lar med­ical con­di­tion would con­sti­tute a med­ical claim. This is not appro­pri­ate because LiveO2 is not mar­ket­ed as a med­ical device. LiveO2 is not intend­ed to treat, cure, mit­i­gate, or pre­vent any med­ical condition.

The infor­ma­tion below is a guide to help you answer the ques­tion which we can­not with­out mak­ing an implied med­ical claim. 

Here are a series of ques­tions, fol­lowed by third-par­ty research which may help you devel­op an informed opin­ion about the rela­tion­ship between oxy­gen and your med­ical ques­tion. This infor­ma­tion is intend­ed for edu­ca­tion­al pur­pos­es only.

Do therapies that increase the oxygen level in the lungs create therapeutic benefit?

These peer-reviewed papers seek infor­ma­tion on hyper­bar­ic oxy­gen ther­a­py, a med­ical pro­ce­dure. Click below for a Live Query on PubMed.

The spe­cif­ic ques­tion: Is hyper­bar­ic ther­a­py ben­e­fi­cial to indi­vid­u­als with pul­monary fibro­sis. The pos­i­tive results would be appro­pri­ate to dis­cuss hyper­bar­ic ther­a­py with your med­ical provider, even though pul­monary fibro­sis is not an accept­ed “treat­ment” for pul­monary fibrosis.

If hyper­bar­ic ther­a­py is inac­ces­si­ble, inap­pro­pri­ate, or un-afford­able, are there alter­na­tive meth­ods that may help? See below.

Reduc­ing the cause of any dis­ease con­di­tion will gen­er­al­ly inhib­it the pro­gres­sion of the condition.

What are alternative techniques for increasing oxygen levels in whole-body tissue?

There are mul­ti­ple ways to increase plas­ma dis­solved oxy­gen. The list is ordered accord­ing to the approx­i­mate amount of oxy­gen achiev­able by each tech­nique. Lat­er items cre­ate high­er dis­solved oxy­gen levels :

  1. Mild Exer­cise / Pubmed Ref­er­ence
  2. High-inten­si­ty inter­val training
  3. Var­i­ous breath­ing tech­niques — Tai Chi Bel­ly Breathing
  4. Hyper­bar­ic Therapy 
  5. Oxy­gen Mul­ti­step Ther­a­py (As described by Man­fred von Ardenne)
  6. Exer­cise with LiveO2 Adap­tive Contrast

Technical Inaccuracy Report

If you feel this arti­cle con­tains a tech­ni­cal inac­cu­ra­cy or mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion of infor­ma­tion please fill out a report.

Updated on August 21, 2024
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