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SWIFT Wire Transfer Information

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SWIFT Transfer Coordinates

Bank of Amer­i­ca Wire Trans­fer Depart­ment: 877.337. 8357

Inter­na­tion­al Bank Name for Ben­e­fi­cia­ry: Bank of America

Inter­na­tion­al Bank Address for Ben­e­fi­cia­ry: 220 Broad­way Street, New York, NY 10038

SWIFT Code For Ben­e­fi­cia­ry Bank: BOFAUS3N

Domes­tic Ben­e­fi­cia­ry Bank Name: Bank of America

Bank Address for Ben­e­fi­cia­ry: 220 Broad­way Street, New York, NY 10038

Wire Trans­fersBen­e­fi­cia­ry Bank Code (ABA) 026009593
(Bank Rout­ing Num­ber, Amer­i­can Bankers Association):

Bank of Amer­i­ca ACH Rout­ing Num­ber: ‭107000327

Ben­e­fi­cia­ry Account Num­ber: 439007432200
(This is not an IBAN Code)

Ben­e­fi­cia­ry Name: Whole Health Net­work, LLC

Ben­e­fi­cia­ry Address: PO Box 158, Bel­lvue, CO 80512

Ben­e­fi­cia­ry Non-PO box address: 3121 Kint­z­ley Ct, Unit H, Laporte, CO 80535

International Wire Transfers

There are two com­pet­ing stan­dards for wire trans­fers. SWIFT and IBAN

IBAN Codes do not work for US Banks 

IBAN is a new stan­dard for inter­na­tion­al wire trans­fers that is not sup­port­ed by any US Bank. Unit­ed States banks use the SWIFT code. No US banks sup­port IBAN num­bers or we would open an account in one of these banks. Here is a third par­ty arti­cle for IBAN vs Swift.

Bank of America 

IBAN (Inter­na­tion­al Bank Account Num­ber) is used to iden­ti­fy an indi­vid­ual bank account in cross-bor­der pay­ments in many coun­tries around the world. Note that the U.S. does­n’t use IBANs. The IBAN is com­prised of a max­i­mum of 27 alphanu­mer­ic char­ac­ters with­in Europe and a max­i­mum of 34 out­side of Europe (for exam­ple Ger­man IBAN: 22 char­ac­ters). When send­ing wire trans­fers to coun­tries that accept IBAN num­bers, we rec­om­mend using the IBAN in your wire trans­fer to iden­ti­fy the bank and the account of the recip­i­ent. If you don’t know the IBAN Num­ber, check with your recipient.


Accord­ing to the search results, Citibank in the Unit­ed States does not use an IBAN (Inter­na­tion­al Bank Account Num­ber) code. Instead, it uses a SWIFT (Soci­ety for World­wide Inter­bank Finan­cial Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion) code, which is nec­es­sary for inter­na­tion­al wire transfers.

The SWIFT code for Citibank in the Unit­ed States is CITIUS33XXX. This code is unique to each Citibank branch, and you can find it on your state­ments, online bank­ing, or by con­tact­ing your local branch.

JP Morgan Chase

Impor­tant Note: The Unit­ed States does not par­tic­i­pate in the Inter­na­tion­al Bank Account Num­ber (IBAN) sys­tem. There­fore, Chase Bank (JPMor­gan Chase) does not have an IBAN code.


Pay­Pal is not a bank, and there­fore, it does not have an Inter­na­tion­al Bank Account Num­ber (IBAN) or a Rout­ing Num­ber (ABA) assigned to it. IBANs are spe­cif­ic to banks, not pay­ment ser­vice providers like PayPal.

Updated on January 23, 2025
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