What is the shipping weight and system size? Each system has a unique weight. Here are the weights of our most popular products. If you are looking for...
How do I check order history, track shipping, print invoices, order customer only products, order masks ? shop.liveo2.com The LiveO2 Store: https://shop.liveo2.com provides customer order information. You can: Order customer-only products ? Retrieve tracking info for your orders ? Review...
How to Size the Premium Mask Our premium mask comes in four sizes. To get the best face mask size fit you should download our sizing guide....
Commercial Lease Agreement (CLA) Allows for the lease of LiveO2 system to commercial business only. Under the lease agreement the system will be deployed...
Commercial Service Agreement (CSA) The Commercial Service Agreement (CSA) covers repairing or replacing dysfunctional LiveO2 systems in heavy-use commercial environments. The agreement covers all...