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  3. Are there side-effects of oxygen training?

Are there side-effects of oxygen training?

A side effect is an unin­tend­ed con­se­quence of a therapy. 

LiveO2 is not intend­ed to pre­vent, treat, cure or mit­i­gate any dis­ease. It is not intend­ed for use as a ther­a­py for any condition.

Any effects from LiveO2 are a result of increased oxy­gen lev­els which is one of many ben­e­fi­cial effects of exercise.

Since oxy­gen train­ing is a form of exer­cise that increas­es body-wide oxy­gen lev­els the strict answer must be no. The pri­ma­ry results are from exercise. 

Indi­vid­u­als with seden­tary lifestyles will often expe­ri­ence phys­i­cal responses:

  • detox­i­fi­ca­tion as enhanced body odors, 
  • changes in sleep pat­terns — usu­al­ly improved sleep
  • some­times increased tiredness
  • Jit­ters as mobi­lized cel­lu­lar tox­ins affect the cen­tral ner­vous system.

The pri­ma­ry mech­a­nism of action is increased oxy­gen lev­els as a result of exercise. 

See Also:

Updated on November 5, 2020
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