Detox Reports

A major­i­ty of users expe­ri­ence minor detox­i­fi­ca­tion respons­es in the ini­tial ther­a­py ses­sion. We have since revised our usage instruc­tions rec­om­mend­ing that any per­son who does not exer­cise at least three times week­ly, with a pulse greater than 120 beats per minute, to lim­it ini­tial ses­sion to 5 minutes.

This list describes phys­i­o­log­i­cal responses.

Body/Breath Odors

These cas­es used two con­sec­u­tive protocols:

15 minute quick pro­ce­dure with Niacin, imme­di­ate­ly fol­lowed by sauna with oxygen.

Three con­sec­u­tive users exhib­it­ed res­pi­ra­to­ry detox­i­fi­ca­tion evi­denced by nox­ious breath.  This author sug­gests that this is a ther­a­peu­tic detox­i­fi­ca­tion trig­gered by com­bi­na­tion of effects.

User 1: Breath, CHC — Female, Age 51
Had a sev­en year his­to­ry of chron­ic fatigue and three month per­sis­tent res­pi­ra­to­ry infec­tion. The fol­low­ing day, her daugh­ter report­ed that her bed­room and breath smelled strong­ly of sty­ro­foam. The odor sug­gests ther­a­py ini­ti­at­ed a release of organophos­phates, and/or chlo­ri­nat­ed hydro­car­bons. She report­ed fatigue resolved, but returned after approx­i­mate­ly two weeks. Sinus infec­tion resolved.

Like­ly the indi­vid­ual accu­mu­lat­ed hydro­car­bons from unknown sources. The meta­bol­ic tur­bu­lence and ele­vat­ed oxy­gen mobi­lized cel­lu­lar tox­ins which then exit­ed with res­pi­ra­to­ry air. Strong­ly rec­om­mend repeat­ed therapy.

User 2: Necro­sis Breath — Male, Age 49
No diag­no­sis — appar­ent good health, phys­i­cal­ly active. This ther­a­py sequence result­ed in strong necrot­ic breath for about one hour  after ther­a­py. User report­ed “feel­ing good” even with bad breath. User report­ed mild “dys­func­tion” in right hip that seemed to resolve after therapy.

This indi­vid­ual appar­ent­ly has sub-clin­i­cal coag­u­la­tive necro­sis. These zones like­ly result­ed from grad­ual accu­mu­la­tion of local­ized hypox­ia, which caus­es tis­sue death.

Restora­tion of cap­il­lary blood flow restored nutri­ents and oxy­gen. It also mobi­lized odor caus­ing amines that accu­mu­lat­ed in these regions to enter blood, and exit via the lungs caus­ing bad breath.

It is pos­si­ble that necrot­ic zones relat­ed to dis­com­fort hip-areas, since dis­com­fort resolved short­ly thereafter.

User 3: Necro­sis Breath — Male, Age 43
Has a five year diag­no­sis of Parkin­son’s. This ther­a­py sequence result­ed in mild necrot­ic breath for about 30 min­utes after ther­a­py. Fatigue did not resolve with therapy.

Bad breath for sev­er­al hours fol­low­ing ther­a­py has been observed in sev­er­al cas­es. The like­ly physiology:

Oxy­gen ther­a­py opens up the vas­cu­lar sys­tem to cir­cu­la­to­ry-com­pro­mised areas. Restored blood flow enables trapped nox­ious gas (tox­ic), to enter blood Blood flows through lungs, and nox­ious gas enters breath air, and exits by lungs.

Caus­ing bad breath
Users report that they felt fine — just that fam­i­ly and friends men­tion that there is a strong, and often unpleas­ant body and breath odor.

Fever at 48 Hours

Sev­er­al users have report­ed occur­rence of mild fever, typ­i­cal­ly 102°F at 48 hours after the first ses­sion. Fever lasts between 24 to 48 hours and has all indi­ca­tions of a suc­cess­ful, con­struc­tive inflam­ma­to­ry response.

We mod­el this response as restored immuno­log­i­cal performance:

Ther­a­py increas­es body flu­id oxy­gen lev­els — par­tic­u­lar­ly lymphatic
We have mea­sured Dis­solved oxy­gen in sali­va to increase 100%-300% imme­di­ate­ly post ther­a­py. These lev­els remain ele­vat­ed for at least 24 hours.

White blood cells respond with up-reg­u­la­tion — due to extra oxy­gen enabling them to oper­ate at 38 ATP/glucose from 2 ATP/glucose
This high­er cel­lu­lar ener­gy with WBCs enables a stronger immune response to pathogens which may have been unde­tect­ed or unre­solved due to low-WBC energy.

WBC high ener­gy results in a full immune response to a per­sis­tent pathogen — which caus­es fever response
Users with this response report “feel­ing much bet­ter” from chron­ic con­di­tions after the fever ends.


A few users have report­ed that they get jit­ters, or ner­vous ener­gy, includ­ing inter­rupt­ed sleep after therapy.

We sug­gest the mod­el for this response is that the body has accu­mu­lat­ed exci­ta­to­ry neu­ro-tox­ins. We sug­gest that body tis­sues release these tox­ins, which can inter­fere with neu­ro­log­i­cal per­for­mance and cause mild anxiety.

Each user that has report­ed this response indi­cates it lasts a few hours. The next day, a sig­nif­i­cant improve­ment in well-being, and calm are reported.

Liver Response

Usage Guide Summary
These cas­es used two Adap­tive Con­trast® protocols:

15 minute quick procedure
Inter­mit­tent alti­tude expo­sure to sim­u­lat­ed 15,000 feet air.
Five Pro­fes­sion­al Foot­ball Players
Result­ed in mul­ti­ple loose stools over the 3 hours fol­low­ing ther­a­py. All report­ed improved ener­gy and sense of well being. Sea­son fatigue resolved.

Ther­a­py, espe­cial­ly with alti­tude sim­u­la­tion caused very high res­pi­ra­to­ry tur­bu­lence. Oxy­gen puls­es rapid­ly released cap­il­lary chokes which enabled sur­round­ing tis­sue to release large quan­ti­ties of lac­tic-relat­ed acids into the bloodstream.

The lac­tic acid release caused the liv­er to dis­card these acids through the bil­iary tract.  This dis­charge trig­gered the diges­tive sys­tem to release these toxins.

Prickly Heat/Night Sweat

About 1 in 20 users report overnight dis­com­fort from ther­a­py. This response has nev­er been report­ed for more than one-night post-therapy.

The response is con­sis­tent with cel­lu­lar detox­i­fi­ca­tion in cas­es where the lym­phat­ic flow is lim­it­ed. Here is a prob­a­ble model:

The vas­cu­lar flow restora­tion trig­gers improved cel­lu­lar metabolism
Improved metab­o­lism enables cells to push-out tox­ins which accu­mu­lat­ed toxins;
Com­pro­mised lym­phat­ic flow, enables the tox­ins to per­sist in the lym­phat­ic system

Since lymph is direct­ly beneath the skin, the excess tox­ins can irri­tate the skin and cause minor dis­com­fort until the body elim­i­nates them
They are elim­i­nat­ed through lym­phat­ic flow — so con­sid­er a lym­phat­ic mas­sage. A hot bath may help to “sweat” the tox­ins out.
No users report that the dis­com­fort per­sists more than a few hours.


After using the stan­dard Oxy­gen Mul­ti­Step Ther­a­py “Quick Pro­ce­dure,” a 25-year-old NFL play­er report­ed sweat­ing that con­tin­ued for two hours that result­ed in “yel­low” foul-smelling sheets. He report­ed “feel­ing good” for the remain­der of the season.

Updated on February 14, 2018
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