A majority of users experience minor detoxification responses in the initial therapy session. We have since revised our usage instructions recommending that any person who does not exercise at least three times weekly, with a pulse greater than 120 beats per minute, to limit initial session to 5 minutes.
This list describes physiological responses.
Body/Breath Odors
These cases used two consecutive protocols:
15 minute quick procedure with Niacin, immediately followed by sauna with oxygen.
Three consecutive users exhibited respiratory detoxification evidenced by noxious breath. This author suggests that this is a therapeutic detoxification triggered by combination of effects.
User 1: Breath, CHC — Female, Age 51
Had a seven year history of chronic fatigue and three month persistent respiratory infection. The following day, her daughter reported that her bedroom and breath smelled strongly of styrofoam. The odor suggests therapy initiated a release of organophosphates, and/or chlorinated hydrocarbons. She reported fatigue resolved, but returned after approximately two weeks. Sinus infection resolved.
Likely the individual accumulated hydrocarbons from unknown sources. The metabolic turbulence and elevated oxygen mobilized cellular toxins which then exited with respiratory air. Strongly recommend repeated therapy.
User 2: Necrosis Breath — Male, Age 49
No diagnosis — apparent good health, physically active. This therapy sequence resulted in strong necrotic breath for about one hour after therapy. User reported “feeling good” even with bad breath. User reported mild “dysfunction” in right hip that seemed to resolve after therapy.
This individual apparently has sub-clinical coagulative necrosis. These zones likely resulted from gradual accumulation of localized hypoxia, which causes tissue death.
Restoration of capillary blood flow restored nutrients and oxygen. It also mobilized odor causing amines that accumulated in these regions to enter blood, and exit via the lungs causing bad breath.
It is possible that necrotic zones related to discomfort hip-areas, since discomfort resolved shortly thereafter.
User 3: Necrosis Breath — Male, Age 43
Has a five year diagnosis of Parkinson’s. This therapy sequence resulted in mild necrotic breath for about 30 minutes after therapy. Fatigue did not resolve with therapy.
Bad breath for several hours following therapy has been observed in several cases. The likely physiology:
Oxygen therapy opens up the vascular system to circulatory-compromised areas. Restored blood flow enables trapped noxious gas (toxic), to enter blood Blood flows through lungs, and noxious gas enters breath air, and exits by lungs.
Causing bad breath
Users report that they felt fine — just that family and friends mention that there is a strong, and often unpleasant body and breath odor.
Fever at 48 Hours
Several users have reported occurrence of mild fever, typically 102°F at 48 hours after the first session. Fever lasts between 24 to 48 hours and has all indications of a successful, constructive inflammatory response.
We model this response as restored immunological performance:
Therapy increases body fluid oxygen levels — particularly lymphatic
We have measured Dissolved oxygen in saliva to increase 100%-300% immediately post therapy. These levels remain elevated for at least 24 hours.
White blood cells respond with up-regulation — due to extra oxygen enabling them to operate at 38 ATP/glucose from 2 ATP/glucose
This higher cellular energy with WBCs enables a stronger immune response to pathogens which may have been undetected or unresolved due to low-WBC energy.
WBC high energy results in a full immune response to a persistent pathogen — which causes fever response
Users with this response report “feeling much better” from chronic conditions after the fever ends.
A few users have reported that they get jitters, or nervous energy, including interrupted sleep after therapy.
We suggest the model for this response is that the body has accumulated excitatory neuro-toxins. We suggest that body tissues release these toxins, which can interfere with neurological performance and cause mild anxiety.
Each user that has reported this response indicates it lasts a few hours. The next day, a significant improvement in well-being, and calm are reported.
Liver Response
Usage Guide Summary
These cases used two Adaptive Contrast® protocols:
15 minute quick procedure
Intermittent altitude exposure to simulated 15,000 feet air.
Five Professional Football Players
Resulted in multiple loose stools over the 3 hours following therapy. All reported improved energy and sense of well being. Season fatigue resolved.
Therapy, especially with altitude simulation caused very high respiratory turbulence. Oxygen pulses rapidly released capillary chokes which enabled surrounding tissue to release large quantities of lactic-related acids into the bloodstream.
The lactic acid release caused the liver to discard these acids through the biliary tract. This discharge triggered the digestive system to release these toxins.
Prickly Heat/Night Sweat
About 1 in 20 users report overnight discomfort from therapy. This response has never been reported for more than one-night post-therapy.
The response is consistent with cellular detoxification in cases where the lymphatic flow is limited. Here is a probable model:
The vascular flow restoration triggers improved cellular metabolism
Improved metabolism enables cells to push-out toxins which accumulated toxins;
Compromised lymphatic flow, enables the toxins to persist in the lymphatic system
Since lymph is directly beneath the skin, the excess toxins can irritate the skin and cause minor discomfort until the body eliminates them
They are eliminated through lymphatic flow — so consider a lymphatic massage. A hot bath may help to “sweat” the toxins out.
No users report that the discomfort persists more than a few hours.
After using the standard Oxygen MultiStep Therapy “Quick Procedure,” a 25-year-old NFL player reported sweating that continued for two hours that resulted in “yellow” foul-smelling sheets. He reported “feeling good” for the remainder of the season.