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Do You Have a Glossary of Terms?

Ter­mi­nol­o­gy has been devel­oped to describe spe­cif­ic body respons­es to dif­fer­ent oxy­gena­tion and stress lev­els while using the LiveO2® and LiveO2 Adap­tive Con­trast® sys­tems. For your con­ve­nience and easy of under­stand­ing, these terms are pre­sent­ed here.

Adap­tive Con­trast — The method of using oxy­gen-reduced breath­ing mix­ture alter­nat­ing with oxy­gen-enriched to stim­u­late res­pi­ra­to­ry and cir­cu­la­to­ry oxy­gena­tion effects.

Anti-inflam­ma­to­ry Thresh­old — von Ardenne doc­u­ment­ed that when blood plas­ma sat­u­ra­tion reach­es 4x nor­mal, or about 12 ml/L there is enough oxy­gen in blood plas­ma to reverse endothe­lial inflam­ma­tion. Nor­mal blood plas­ma has about 3 ml/L.

Break Sweat — When the user begins to per­spire. In con­ven­tion­al exer­cise, this occurs when the body gen­er­ates enough waste heat to require extra cool­ing by evap­o­ra­tion of perspiration.

Capac­i­ty Ceil­ing — The high­est inten­si­ty work­out a user will repeat with a train­er; dis­re­gards com­fort. A trainer/coach is very help­ful for most indi­vid­u­als to reach their capac­i­ty ceiling.

Capac­i­ty Train­ing — The method of train­ing to per­son­al capac­i­ty, rel­a­tive to total max­i­mum out­put. A trainer/coach is very help­ful for this type of training.

Cap­il­lary Inflam­ma­tion — Inflam­ma­tion in cap­il­lar­ies that cre­ates “brownouts.” It can occur in the endothe­li­um, but pre­dom­i­nant­ly occurs in the venous end of cap­il­lar­ies. (von Ardenne).

Com­fort Train­ing Lev­el — The prac­tice of train­ing with­in com­fort, usu­al­ly at 50 – 65% of capacity.

Chrono­log­i­cal Age Pulse — Cal­cu­lat­ed max­i­mum pulse based on age, 220 minus age,

Com­fort Ceil­ing — The high­est inten­si­ty work­out a user will vol­un­tar­i­ly repeat with­out a trainer.

Dilat­ing Agents — mechan­i­cal and chem­i­cal or method to increas­es blood flow to part of the body.

  • Niacin — skin, head, brain
  • Cap­sacin — lungs, stomach
  • Heat — where applied
  • Hypox­ia
    • Mild = whole body
    • Mod­er­ate — Fight/Flight Organ Systems
    • Intense — Brain, liv­er and kidneys

Exer­tion Chal­lenge — Per­ceived increase in dif­fi­cul­ty when the body responds to a tis­sue dump.

Exer­tion Level

  • 15 Sec­ond Out­put — Max­i­mum out­put pow­er that can be main­tained for 15 sec­onds of con­tin­u­ous exertion
  • 300 Sec­ond Out­put — Max­i­mum out­put pow­er that can be main­tained for 5 mintues of con­tin­u­ous exertion

Gall Blad­der Dump — Sen­sa­tion in the gall blad­der that indi­cates over­whelmed Cori cycle and that lac­tic acid has been dumped into the diges­tive sys­tem. Usu­al­ly occurs 20 min­utes before bow­el clear­ance. It is usu­al­ly noticed as a gur­gling sen­sa­tion in the gall blad­der under the right breast.

Hypox­ic Max­i­mum Pulse ~ Actu­al Max­i­mum Pulse — Max­i­mum pulse after 20 minute hypox­ic warm up and a 60 sec­ond sprint.

Hypox­ic Pulse Ramp — As a user spends more time under hypox­ic chal­lenge, the pulse will ramp upward.

Hypox­ic Recov­ery — Recov­ery with reduced-oxy­gen air.

Hypox­ic Sprint — A sprint on reduced-oxy­gen air.

Hypox­ic Split — A sprint where oxgyen is restored half way through the hypox­ic session.

Hypox­ic Aer­o­bic Pulse — Max­i­mum sus­tain­able pulse on hypox­ic air.

Hyper­ox­ic Sprint — A sprint with oxy­gen through­out the sprint.

Hyper­ox­ic Max­i­mum Pulse — The max­i­mum achiev­able pulse rate while exert­ing with oxygen.

Immune Ral­ly — Occurs 48 hours after LiveO2 train­ing result­ing in a fever of up to 102 degrees and last­ing for 6 – 24 hours. The effect is mod­eled as an up-reg­u­la­tion in white blood cell activ­i­ty enabled by high­er oxy­gen lev­els in body flu­ids, includ­ing lymph.

Invert­ed Inter­vals — Sprint on oxy­gen recov­er at hypoxic.

Neu­ro­log­i­cal Per­for­mance Gain — Net increase in neu­ro­log­i­cal score after training.

Per­for­mance Ramp — Ses­sion-to-ses­sion increase in meta­bol­ic effi­cien­cy, usu­al­ly noticed as an increase in strength and endurance over mul­ti­ple sessions.

Pulse Throt­tle — Inter­nal con­trol that lim­its how fast the body will allow the heart to beat to lim­it vas­cu­lar strain.

Venous Cap­il­lary Pulse Force — The amount of pres­sure present at the venous end of the cap­il­lary. This is dif­fer­ent from the Pulse Pres­sure because it reflects all loss of pres­sure that occurs dur­ing the heart and the swollen, choked end of the cap­il­lary. The Venous Cap­il­lary Pulse Force must be enough to deliv­er oxy­genat­ed plas­ma to the swollen endothe­lial cells to reverse inflammation.

Recov­ery Rate — Num­ber of sec­onds on oxy­gen required to recov­er from an hypox­ic sprint.

Resat­u­ra­tion Dip — Decrease in pulse oxymeter read­ing after switch­ing to oxy­gen after hypox­ic. Sug­gest increase in hemo­glo­bin release after restora­tion of oxygen.

Tis­sue Dump — Waste released into cir­cu­la­tion when inflam­ma­tion releas­es after oxy­gen reach­es anti-inflam­ma­to­ry threshold.

Tis­sue Elas­tic­i­ty — Increase in avas­cu­lar tis­sue elas­tic­i­ty after train­ing with oxy­gen, usu­al­ly per­ceived as improve­ment in eye focus. Elas­tic­i­ty reduces strain injury vulnerability.

Throt­tle Reduc­tion — Amount the max­i­mum pulse increas­es dur­ing ini­tial training.

Train­ing Lev­el — Ini­tial capac­i­ty of training.

Vas­cu­lar Effi­cien­cy Gain — Net reduc­tion in heart rate required to main­tain pow­er out­put after sev­er­al sessions.

Vas­cu­lar Entrain­ment — Indi­cates opti­mal per­for­mance in vas­cu­lar sys­tem Vas­cu­lar Spi­ral Flow.

Updated on March 28, 2018
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