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  2. How do I manage my own international shipment?

How do I manage my own international shipment?

Our ship­ping pol­i­cy is to allow cus­tomers to take pos­ses­sion of their prod­uct from our facil­i­ty. Please beware the is more com­pli­cat­ed than it seems. This arti­cle lays out the ele­ments you will need to address to do this.

Your Shipper

  • Your account number 
  • How to gen­er­ate ship­ping label and save it as a PDF
  • How to ful­ly insure your ship­ment for damage 
  • How to gen­er­ate a com­mer­cial invoice for your ship­ment (We will sup­ply you the details about your product)
  • How to gen­er­ate any import infor­ma­tion that may be nec­es­sary for your coun­try — your Importer ID, VAT num­ber if applicable

About the Shipper Information

We will only list your name and con­tact infor­ma­tion as the ship­per. Our phone num­ber will not be pro­vid­ed as part of the ship­ping documentation. 

Most ship­pers require:

  • Ship­per Con­tact Name, 
  • Phone num­ber
  • Email address.

This will be your name, or who­ev­er you des­ig­nate as the ship­ment manager.

This means if there is any issue with ship­ment, the con­tact infor­ma­tion you pro­vide will be used by the car­ri­er and cus­toms officials. 

Can I use my ship­ping account num­ber with LiveO2’s ship­ping documents?

No. Your ship­per account num­ber iden­ti­fies you and your account. Once the ship­per takes pos­ses­sion, only the par­ty iden­ti­fied by the ship­ping account num­ber is allowed to pro­vide admin­is­tra­tive sup­port for the ship­ment. This means that if any­thing goes wrong with the ship­ping or import process we sim­ply can­not help. This is why you must pro­vide your own ship­ping man­ag­er contact.


Any dam­age that occurs dur­ing trans­port is your responsibility. 

LiveO2 sys­tems are ful­ly test­ed before they ship. If they in a non-work­ing con­di­tion it was because it was dam­aged dur­ing shipping. 

This means that if your sys­tem arrives damaged:

  • You will need to ship it back to us at your own expense for repair;
  • You will need to man­age the insur­ance claims process;
  • You will need to pay all ship­ping expens­es to have the prod­uct returned to you.

Import, Customs and Duties

You will need to send us in PDF form any import doc­u­men­ta­tion your ship­ment will require need for impor­ta­tion to your country.

Harmonized Code

You will need to decide which Har­mo­nized code is most accept­able to your import offi­cials. This num­ber pro­vides a gen­er­al clas­si­fi­ca­tion of goods that deter­mines the import duty schedule. 

Duty Cal­cu­la­tion


  • per HS Code 9506.91.9000
  • 9109.20.0000
  • 9506.91.0000

Your VAT number

Many coun­tries charge a Val­ue Added Tax or VAT. If you are a reseller or have a VAT num­ber this means you will usu­al­ly avoid pay­ing VAT tax­es for import. If your coun­try requires VAT pay­ment, you will need to make arrange­ments to pay this fee as part of ship­ping or at delivery.

Certificate of Origin Documents

LiveO2 is man­u­fac­tured in the Unit­ed States. If you are ship­ping to a NAFTA treaty coun­try these doc­u­ments gen­er­al­ly enable avoid­ance import duties.

Importer Documentation and Tax Numbers

Your coun­try may have oth­er iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­bers. These num­bers are your respon­si­bil­i­ty. If you omit any of these num­bers your ship­ping con­tact will hope­ful­ly receive a call to resolve the issue.

Pro Forma Commercial Invoice

A com­mer­cial invoice is required for every ship­ment. This for­mat is often dic­tat­ed by the ship­per to assure the form com­plies with their rules and reg­u­la­tions and it includes the nec­es­sary information. 

Our staff will pro­vide the infor­ma­tion you need to cre­ate a pro-for­ma invoice. Nor­mal­ly this is the infor­ma­tion you will have received your emailed invoice when you placed your LiveO2 order.

Updated on January 7, 2021
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