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  3. Inaccuracy Report

Inaccuracy Report

We make every effort to assure our staff accu­rate­ly and fair­ly rep­re­sents LiveO2 products. 

If you feel that we have mis­rep­re­sent­ed LiveO2 by mak­ing an inac­cu­rate state­ment about LiveO2 per­for­mance, please tell us what we said, or pub­lished that led you to form an inac­cu­rate conclusion.

Note that state­ments on https://prime.liveo2.com do not qual­i­fy for an inac­cu­ra­cy or med­ical claim or to sub­stan­ti­ate a claim relat­ing to prod­uct performance:

  • https://prime.liveo2.com is a pri­vate con­tent site and not vis­i­ble to the pub­lic this site is only acces­si­ble after agree­ing to Terms of Service;
  • Users must agree that all infor­ma­tion on this site is for edu­ca­tion pur­pos­es only;
  • Users must agree that no infor­ma­tion on that site shall be inter­pret­ed as med­ical advice or as a med­ical claim;
  • Users must agree that no infor­ma­tion on that site shall be inter­pret­ed as a guar­an­tee or implied war­ran­ty for prod­uct per­for­mance or effect rel­a­tive to any health condition;
  • Users must agree to hold LiveO2 and it’s asso­ciates harm­less for all phys­i­o­log­i­cal effects for use of any prod­ucts sug­gest­ed on the site whether used inde­pen­dent­ly or in any combination; 
  • Users must agree that no LiveO2 shall be held harm­less for all expe­ri­ences includ­ing exper­i­ments that result from using the infor­ma­tion on the site.
Updated on November 4, 2024
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