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Become a LiveO2 Tryout Host


What is the Remote Try­out Program?

Some prospec­tive LiveO2 cus­tomers want to test-dri­ve our sys­tem before com­mit­ting to a pur­chase. We’re cre­at­ing a net­work of exist­ing LiveO2 own­ers who can open up their sys­tem for a one-time ses­sion. A cer­ti­fied LiveO2 train­er will con­duct the entire work­out remote­ly via video call, so all you have to do is grant access to your equipment.

Why Host?

  1. Earn Extra Income
    You’ll receive $100 per try­out ses­sion sim­ply for shar­ing access to your LiveO2 sys­tem and exer­cise equip­ment (e.g., tread­mill or sta­tion­ary bike).
  2. No Train­ing Respon­si­bil­i­ties
    A cer­ti­fied LiveO2 coach will han­dle every aspect of the work­out remote­ly. You don’t have to guide or coach the par­tic­i­pant — just pro­vide a safe, clean space.
  3. No Mask-Shar­ing
    The try­out par­tic­i­pant brings their own brand-new mask specif­i­cal­ly for the ses­sion, so there’s no need to wor­ry about hygiene or exchang­ing per­son­al equipment.
  4. Flex­i­ble Sched­ul­ing
    You decide which days and times you’d like to host a ses­sion. We take care of the sched­ul­ing details and coor­di­nate with the participant.
  5. Help Oth­ers Dis­cov­er LiveO2: By pro­vid­ing them a chance to expe­ri­ence enhanced oxy­gen train­ing first­hand, you’ll help poten­tial cus­tomers see the incred­i­ble ben­e­fits you’ve already come to love.

How It Works

  1. Sched­ul­ing & Coordination
    • LiveO2 han­dles book­ing the participant’s try­out ses­sion. We’ll let you know the date, time, and any addi­tion­al details you need.
    • Our sup­port team ensures you have every­thing in place for a smooth remote session.
  2. Host­ing the Session
    • When the par­tic­i­pant arrives, you give them access to your equipment.
    • Our LiveO2 train­er con­nects with them via a video call — coach­ing them from start to finish.
    • The par­tic­i­pant uses their own, brand-new mask. You don’t have to share any per­son­al gear.
  3. Get Paid
    • After the ses­sion, sub­mit an invoice to LiveO2 and receive your $100 pay­ment for the tryout.
    • We process pay­ments prompt­ly, so you’ll nev­er wait long to get compensated.

Apply Now to Become a LiveO2 Host
If you have any ques­tions about the pro­gram and would like to par­tic­i­pate please con­tact your sales representative.

See Also

LiveO2 Ser­vices

Updated on January 16, 2025
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