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LiveO2 Tryout Program

LiveO2 is the tur­bo-charg­er for healthy lifestyle. LiveO2 ampli­fies the phys­i­cal ben­e­fits of exer­cise — and reduces the time and effort users to achieve exer­cise benefits. 


Many peo­ple have heard of LiveO2 and would like to try it before buying. 

A grow­ing num­ber of facil­i­ties host LiveO2 sys­tems for cus­tomer use and are open to new peo­ple dis­cov­er­ing LiveO2.

To we will use your address to reach out to LiveO2 in your area to coor­di­nate an expe­ri­ence. Q/A

Why don’t we just send you to a local facility ?

There is an art to help­ing a new per­son dis­cov­er LiveO2. 

Our expert train­ers assure new users have a good dis­cov­ery expe­ri­ence. They can also guide new users to real­ize the health improve­ment poten­tial LiveO2 deliv­ers. This process is as com­plex as the health of the new user.

We require each train­er to be expe­ri­enced enough to cre­ate a good per­son­al expe­ri­ence for you.

What happens when I fill out the form?

Our agent will con­tact the local facil­i­ty to con­firm availability. 

If the facil­i­ty oper­a­tor agrees to host your expe­ri­ence, we will con­tact you with the exact address, appoint­ment cal­en­dar, and we will arrange to send you a new mask to use dur­ing your experience.

You will trav­el to the facil­i­ty with your mask, and your agent/trainer will con­nect with you by video to have your first LiveO2 expe­ri­ence. This takes about an hour.

Why don’t you just let the people at the facility train me?

LiveO2 has spent about a decade refin­ing user expe­ri­ences so new users have a good first experience. 

We have also devel­oped train­ing pro­grams so that facil­i­ties can help health facil­i­ties main­tain train­er competence. 

Our staff will train you because many facil­i­ties focus on spe­cif­ic types of train­ing which may dif­fer from your needs. For exam­ple, many sports/performance facil­i­ties may not under­stand the nuances for recov­ery sup­port, and vise versa.

This is why we insist on train­ing you.

How do I become LiveO2 listed facility ?

If you are a facil­i­ty open to the pub­lic, please see or LiveO2 Net­work Pro­gram page for more information.

Updated on August 21, 2024
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