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Do You Offer Financing?

We offer financ­ing on all LiveO2® sys­tems. Cur­rent­ly, we work with four part­ners to offer sys­tem financ­ing. Each provider offers dif­fer­ent ben­e­fits. To learn more about what option is best for you please con­tact us.

  1. Direct Cap­i­tal: Financ­ing for businesses
  2. Time Pay­ment: Financ­ing for indi­vid­u­als and businesses
  3. Pay­Pal: Must have half cash on hand and good cred­it score
  4. Ncmic: Equip­ment loans for practitioners

Financing With Direct Capital

Direct Cap­i­tal is a good choice for busi­ness­es look­ing to finance the pur­chase of a LiveO2 Sys­tem. You can con­tact us to learn more about financ­ing with Direct Capital.

For more infor­ma­tion on Direct Cap­i­tal please see the fol­low­ing PDFS:

Financing With Time Payment

Time Pay­ment is often a good choice for indi­vid­u­als look­ing to finance sys­tems for home use. With fast and easy deci­sions, you can apply by click­ing the “Time Pay­ment” but­ton found on each prod­uct page. You can also con­tact us to learn more about financ­ing with Time Payment.

Finance a Purchase with Paypal

This tuto­r­i­al sup­ports cus­tomers who have ordered a WHN prod­uct from our sales line, and our sales depart­ment has gen­er­at­ed a Pay­Pal invoice for you. You can con­tact us if you are inter­est­ed in apply­ing for financ­ing with Paypal

  1. You have ordered a Prod­uct from LiveO2 sales
  2. You have a Pay­Pal account
  3. You have received a Pay­pal Invoice or have logged into your Pay­pal Account

We are hap­py to offer cus­tomers the options to pay using Pay­Pal or Pay­Pal Cred­it, once qual­i­fied. Pay­Pal Cred­it allows the pur­chas­er to finance an amount over $99, inter­est-free for 6 months.

If the bal­ance is not paid in full with­in 6 months, inter­est will then begin to accrue on the remain­ing bal­ance. Please refer to Pay­Pal for the most accu­rate and com­pre­hen­sive infor­ma­tion regard­ing the com­plete terms of Pay­Pal Credit.

To pay using Pay­Pal or Pay­Pal Cred­it, please refer to the following:

To pay when plac­ing an order on the store site, the option to pay using Pay­Pal will be offered dur­ing check­out at the time the order is placed. When the Pay­Pal option is select­ed, it will redi­rect you to the Pay­Pal site and prompt you to login.

Once logged in, pro­ceed by fol­low­ing the prompts. You may choose to pay the total amount using your Pay­Pal bal­ance or alter­nate­ly select the ‘Pay­Pal Cred­it’ option. If you have pre­vi­ous­ly applied for Pay­Pal Cred­it in con­junc­tion with your Pay­Pal account, sim­ply select­ing the Pay­Pal Cred­it option will allow you to pay using this method.

If you have not pre­vi­ous­ly applied for Pay­Pal Cred­it, you will be redi­rect­ed to Pay­Pal to fill out a short appli­ca­tion in order to qual­i­fy. If you one of our agents is enter­ing your order, we will need to gen­er­ate a pay­pal invoice for your pur­chase. When you pay this invoice, Pay­pal will nor­mal­ly gives you the option to pay by Pay­pal cred­it. This pay­ment lets you apply while pay­ing the invoice.

When pay­ing a Pay­Pal invoice that was received via email, sim­ply open the noti­fy­ing email from Whole Health Research Alliance LLC and select ‘View and Pay Invoice’. This will direct you to Pay­Pal, which will dis­play the invoice detail. Above the invoice, there will be a ‘Pay now’ option. When ‘Pay Now’ is select­ed, it will bring you to a page that says ‘Pay using my Pay­Pal account’ and have a prompt for you to login to your Pay­Pal account. 

Once logged in, if you have not pre­vi­ous­ly applied for Pay­Pal cred­it, a prompt will appear ask­ing if you would like to pay for your pur­chase using Pay­Pal Cred­it. You may select ‘Yes’ to apply for this option or ‘No’ to sim­ply pay using the bal­ance in your Pay­Pal account. If yes is select­ed, a short appli­ca­tion form will open in a new window. 

The appli­ca­tion for Pay­Pal cred­it is very brief and sim­ple. Once the appli­ca­tion is com­plet­ed, you must check the box acknowl­edg­ing that you agree with the terms and con­di­tions of Pay­Pal Cred­it, then select ‘Agree and Con­tin­ue’ toward the bot­tom of the screen. It will ask you one more time to con­firm your agreement. 

When this has been done, your Pay­Pal account will now list the invoice and you may then elect to pay it through your Pay­Pal screen. To do so, select ‘Pay Now’ and you will see two options to pay, either pay using Pay­Pal Cred­it or pay with your Pay­Pal bal­ance. Select the option you pre­fer to use and exe­cute payment.

Equipment Loans With NCMIC

NCMIC offers financ­ing to all health­care prac­ti­tion­ers and busi­ness own­ers. They spe­cial­ize in fast approvals and friend­ly terms – includ­ing NO pre-pay­ment penal­ties at any time. For ques­tions or quotes, please con­tact Emi­ly Blair at 515 – 313-4593, or eblair@ncmic.com. Or, apply today at www.ncmic.com/expressapp to obtain your no cost and no oblig­a­tion pre-approval.

Commercial Lease Agreement

Qual­i­fied busi­ness­es with more than 3 years may qual­i­fy for the LiveO2 Com­mer­cial Lease Agree­ment. This pro­gram is designed to sup­port busi­ness­es that use LiveO2 for many customers.

Updated on August 12, 2024
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