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How fast can I ramp my exercise?

Guidelines for early exercise with people with health conditions.

These guide­lines are intend­ed to help health-com­pro­mised users to ramp their exer­cise limits.

The goal is to enable health-chal­lenged LiveO2 users to choose a phys­i­o­log­i­cal­ly ben­e­fi­cial but safe ini­tial exer­cise strat­e­gy then safe­ly increase their exer­tion to max­i­mize their health by man­ag­ing the rate of increas­ing exer­cise inten­si­ty and dura­tion with­in their per­son­al well-tol­er­at­ed zone.


Low inten­si­ty

Low inten­si­ty exer­tion is exer­cise when the max­i­mum heart rate does not exceed 15% of the rest­ing heart rate. 

Short dura­tion

Short dura­tion is about 5 minutes.

Well tol­er­at­ed

Well tol­er­at­ed means that per­son feels bet­ter after the exer­cise than they did before and that repeat­ed ses­sions result in a durable sense of improved well being. 

Extend Dura­tion

An increase of the exer­cise dura­tion (time) by 10%.

Well tol­er­at­ed

Well tol­er­at­ed means that per­son feels bet­ter after the exer­cise than they did before and that repeat­ed ses­sions result in a durable sense of improved well being. 

Inten­si­ty Bump

Means to increase the exer­cise vig­or, mea­sured by max­i­mum heart rate, heart rate 5 – 10% above the pre­vi­ous maximum.


The process of increas­ing the dura­tion and inten­si­ty while remain­ing with­in your per­son­al well tol­er­at­ed limits.

When and how to Increase

If you feel great after your work­out — it may be time to increase the inten­si­ty or duration. 

Here are dif­fer­ent strategies:

  • Increase the dura­tion of your work­out by 15%
  • Extend the dura­tion on ‑O2
  • Decrease the dura­tion on +O2

When and how to Decrease 

The gen­er­al rule is always to remain with­in your per­son­al will tol­er­at­ed lim­it. If you feel weak­er after your last work­out — you can either stick with the same work­out or back it off. 

When you exceed your well-tol­er­at­ed lim­it: increase lim­it exceeds your well-tol­er­at­ed limit:

  • Rest for 2 days or until you ful­ly recov­er whichev­er is first; 
  • Try again by reduc­ing your goal increase by 1/2.

Updated on February 9, 2022
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