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Training Desaturation Patterns

LiveO2 use fre­quent­ly pro­vokes blood oxy­gena­tion lev­els to devi­ate from what seems nor­mal. These pat­terns often reflect issues with phys­i­ol­o­gy that improve aware­ness of what is hap­pen­ing in the body.

The 99er Pattern

The unnat­u­ral­ly high PO2 usu­al­ly occurs when blood can­not reach tis­sues due to endothe­lial cap­il­lary inflam­ma­tion. The endothe­lial inflam­ma­tion reduces below the pass­able diam­e­ter of a red blood cell (RBC). When this occurs, only plas­ma can flow through the cap­il­lar­ies, lim­it­ing ener­gy pro­duc­tion to anaer­o­bic fueled by
glu­cose absent oxygen.


The reduced cap­il­lary cross sec­tion caus­es RBCs to go around nar­rowed cap­il­lar­ies. RBCs that don’t pass through cap­il­lar­ies do not release oxy­gen much like a vehi­cle that can­not release a pay­load — it just remains full. This shows up as an unnat­u­ral­ly high start­ing PO2 and a ten­den­cy NOT to desat­u­rate dur­ing hypox­ic exer­tion challenge.

This pat­tern has been observed:

  • Fibromyal­gia / Chron­ic Fatigue
  • Can­cer patients after chemotherapy

For com­par­i­son a start­ing sat­u­ra­tion lev­el of about 97%, with
rapid desat­u­ra­tion to 87%, is nor­mal (sea level).

This pat­tern con­tra­dicts the typ­i­cal med­ical con­clu­sion that a high
hemo­glo­bin sat­u­ra­tion indi­cates good tis­sue oxy­gena­tion. The med­ical
inter­pre­ta­tion pre­sumes, usu­al­ly incor­rect­ly, that oxy­gen can always
move from the RBC to tis­sue. By the time this sat­u­ra­tion pat­tern,
99 – 100%, occurs when the person’s body has a large per­cent­age of
under-oxy­genat­ed tissue.

The sever­i­ty of sys­temic hypox­ia is indi­cat­ed by how long it takes
them to re-sat­u­rate after the inflam­ma­tion is reversed. On the pulse
oxime­ter, how many min­utes does it take them to sat­u­rate to 99% after
they reper­fuse dip? The longer the time, the greater the accu­mu­lat­ed
oxy­gen tis­sue debt.

The degree of sys­temic hypox­ia is indi­cat­ed by how long it takes the
per­son to re-sat­u­rate after­ward (the amount of time the per­son spends
on oxy­gen with a low oxy­gen level).

The prob­lem is that the oxy­gen bound to hemo­glo­bin can­not dis­so­ci­ate
because it nev­er pass­es through the cap­il­lar­ies where it can release
oxy­gen. In this case, unnat­u­ral­ly high hemo­glo­bin sat­u­ra­tion means
poor tis­sue oxygenation.

Resolution Pattern

The tell­tale for res­o­lu­tion of this pat­tern is a dra­mat­ic drop in
PO2 late in the ses­sion while on oxy­gen. Here is a mod­el
for what happens:

  1. Cap­il­lary pulse pres­sure reach­es the pen­e­tra­tion thresh­old as
    arte­r­i­al blood pres­sure and hypox­ia-induced vasodi­la­tion deliv­er
    more pres­sure to cap­il­lary bed. This takes effort and some time.
    It does not hap­pen instant­ly, and takes 5 – 10 min­utes of effort.
  2. Endothe­lial cells switch back to nor­mal metab­o­lism and pump-out
    sodi­um and quick­ly shrink back to nor­mal size
  3. Cap­il­lary opens to red blood cell pas­sage and tis­sue reoxy­gena­tion begins
  4. PO2 drops as tis­sues absorb large amount of oxy­gen until
    reper­fu­sion is com­plete, usu­al­ly in 2 – 4 minutes.

Start­ed abnor­mal­ly high 99% PO2 on start and then desat­u­rat­ed to 80% after hypox­ic chal­lenge about 9 min­utes into the ses­sion. User remained at 80% PO2 for 2 min­utes while breath­ing oxy­gen. Nor­mal resat­u­ra­tion time is 5 seconds.

Typical Observation

The tell­tale for res­o­lu­tion of this pat­tern is a dra­mat­ic drop in PO2 late in the ses­sion while on oxy­gen. Here is a mod­el for what happens:

  1. Cap­il­lary pulse pres­sure reach­es the pen­e­tra­tion thresh­old as arte­r­i­al blood pres­sure and hypox­ia-induced vasodi­la­tion deliv­er more pres­sure to the cap­il­lary bed. This takes effort and some time; it does not hap­pen instant­ly, and takes 5 – 10 min­utes of effort.
  2. Endothe­lial cells switch back to nor­mal metab­o­lism and pump out sodi­um and quick­ly shrink back to nor­mal size
  3. Cap­il­lary opens to red blood cell pas­sage and tis­sue re-oxy­gena­tion begins
  4. PO2 drops as tis­sues absorb large amounts of oxy­gen until re-per­fu­sion is com­plete, usu­al­ly in 2 – 4 minutes.

Pathological Hints

This is the typ­i­cal chron­ic-fatigue pat­tern. It usu­al­ly includes per­sis­tent mus­cle touch sen­si­tiv­i­ty from region­al tis­sue aci­do­sis. Over time this con­di­tion can progress to mul­ti­ple local and sys­temic dis­ease states:

  • Hypo­glycemia as under-oxy­genat­ed tis­sues use exces­sive glu­cose. If the liv­er fails to keep up with demand, then blood sug­ar falls to hypo­glycemic lev­els and caus­es sys­temic fatigue.
  • Gall blad­der con­di­tions include dis­com­fort and gall­stones. When the Cori Cycle depletes lac­tic acid reacts with bile in the gall blad­der to pre­cip­i­tate solids which often form gall­stones and cause discomfort.
  • This author sug­gests that tis­sues that retain excess lac­tic acid for a long time become hyper­sen­si­tive as with fibromyal­gia.

See Fatigue Pro­to­col for more information.

Protocol Suggestion


Nor­mal­ly this pat­tern only occurs once dur­ing ear­ly use. Re-per­fu­sion is durable until con­di­tions that caused endothe­lial inflam­ma­tion recur.

LiveO2 Adap­tive Con­trast appears to be a require­ment to pro­voke resat­u­ra­tion. It seems the rea­son for this is that reduced-oxy­gen air cre­ates vasodi­la­tion and increas­es arte­r­i­al pulse pres­sure, which max­i­mizes pulse pres­sure at the cap­il­lary entrance. This re-per­fu­sion effect has not been observed with LiveO2 Stan­dard.

What to Expect

If you expe­ri­enced this pat­tern, you will likely:

  • Feel stronger and have increased endurance
  • Reduced crav­ings for sweets and sim­ple carbohydrates
  • Reduced ten­den­cy for mus­cle soreness
  • Greater strength in major muscles
  • Reduced ten­den­cy for loose stools
  • Improved fat diges­tion from improved bile availability
  • Have an increased res­pi­ra­tion rate at rest

The 100 Pattern

This occurs when a user observes a PO2 of 100%. This pat­tern reflects oxy­gen deliv­ery to cells is inhib­it­ed due to one or more problems.


Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Car­bon Monox­ide binds to hemo­glo­bin about 254x more strong­ly than Oxy­gen. CO caus­es blood to appear unnat­u­ral­ly red trick­ing the Pulse Oxime­ter to reg­is­ter inac­cu­rate­ly high.

Car­bon Monox­ide may be inter­nal­ly pro­duced. So you may exhib­it this absent expo­sure to envi­ron­men­tal car­bon monoxide.

The typ­i­cal­ly occurs from breath­ing in car­bon monox­ide tox­ic gas (CO) in to body large quan­ti­ties. Often with symp­toms headache, dizzi­ness, weak­ness, vom­it­ing, and loss of consciousness.

LiveO2 enables the body to expe­dite release car­bon monox­ide but it requires longer-term train­ing. Con­tact your train­er for advanced support. 

Capillary Shunting

Cap­il­lary struc­tures are based on a cen­tral thor­ough­fare chan­nel that trans­ports blood between the arte­r­i­al and venous networks. 

When the sys­temic net­work of cap­il­lar­ies is sub­stan­tial­ly blocked, blood can­not deliv­er oxy­gen to cor­re­spond­ing tissues. 

When the cap­il­lary sys­tems are sub­stan­tial­ly blocked this fail­ure caus­es blood to return to the heart with oxy­gen instead of car­bon diox­ide. This caus­es the Pulse Oxime­ter to show unusu­al­ly high saturation.

Indi­vid­u­als with this con­di­tion will nor­mal­ly exhibit:

  • Unusu­al­ly large desat­u­ra­tion events dur­ing ear­ly train­ing ses­sions as oxy­gen surges restore cap­il­lary flow and cells con­sume large amounts of oxygen;
  • Asym­met­ric pulse oxime­try read­ings show tis­sues on left vs right open­ing up cor­re­spond­ing to areas with active and stale injuries. Right oxime­try tends to dip more often than left due to high oxy­gen enabling surges of liv­er func­tion. Left side dips tend cor­re­late to oxy­gen restora­tion to injured tissues.


  • Easy does it
  • Con­tin­ue to esca­late training
  • May take 3+ ses­sions to achieve desaturation

Initial Dipper Pattern On Oxygen

This pat­tern occurs when a user starts to exer­cise on oxy­gen. It nor­mal­ly reflects recov­ery from chron­ic but recov­er­able chron­ic oxy­gen defi­cien­cy where tis­sues have been in pro­longed oxy­gen-defi­cient status.

Restora­tion of oxy­gen caus­es short-term ele­vat­ed con­sump­tion which results in tem­porar­i­ly low pulse oxime­try read­ing as tis­sues con­sume very large amounts of oxygen.

Pulse oxime­try is often asym­met­ric. This means that pulse oxime­ters on the left and right-hand show sub­stan­tial­ly dif­fer­ent numbers.

Updated on May 18, 2022

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