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  3. What is Your Return and Refund Policy?
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  3. What is Your Return and Refund Policy?

What is Your Return and Refund Policy?

Are you look­ing for: What if I order the wrong size Pre­mi­um Mask?

LiveO2 Order Cancellation Policy

Pri­or to the cap­ture of pay­ment and ship­ment, an order can be can­celed by con­tact­ing a LiveO2 rep­re­sen­ta­tive direct­ly by phone.

Orders typ­i­cal­ly fill and ship in less than 48 hours. If the can­cel­la­tion is con­firmed in per­son over the phone pri­or to pay­ment cap­ture and ship­ping the order will can­cel with a 100% refund of autho­rized payment.

LiveO2 Return Policy


This pol­i­cy applies to direct sales from LiveO2 and also sales placed with an indi­vid­ual or busi­ness rep­re­sent­ing LiveO2 prod­ucts as a reseller. LiveO2 returns must be made by the orig­i­nal purchaser/customer of the product.

  • Sys­tems returned in like-new con­di­tion with­in 60 days will be refund­ed the orig­i­nal pur­chase price less 20% restock­ing fee for the system.
  • Cer­tain items can­not be returned for a refund.  See below. *
  • Unopened sys­tems returned with­in 14 days car­ry a 5% restock­ing fee.
  • Cus­tomer pays for return ship­ping on all returns for a refund.
  • Unopened refunds are made with 30 days, refunds of opened sys­tems are made with­in 60 days and will be adjust­ed for use hours, soil and miss­ing items.
  • Ship­ping is not refundable.


Inter­na­tion­al orders are not eli­gi­ble for return for refund.

Disallowed Return for Refund

Returns are not allowed for fail­ure to pro­duce a result for any dis­ease or med­ical condition.

LiveO2 is not intend­ed for use as a med­ical device. LiveO2 it is not intend­ed to pre­vent, treat, cure or affect any med­ical con­di­tion or disease.

Legal coun­sel advis­es that a refund pol­i­cy that allows returns pur­suant to an expect­ed effect on any med­ical con­di­tion would con­sti­tute an implied war­ran­ty rel­a­tive to a med­ical con­di­tion. An implied war­ran­ty may be inter­pret­ed as an implied claim of effi­ca­cy and could cause LiveO2 to be con­sid­ered a med­ical device because the war­ran­ty would sug­gest it is intend­ed to have a med­ical effect on a dis­ease or med­ical condition.

Medical Claims Report

If you pur­chased your prod­uct based on col­lat­er­als or prod­uct lit­er­a­ture that rep­re­sents that LiveO2 is intend­ed to ben­e­fit a spe­cif­ic med­ical con­di­tion — Please sub­mit a med­ical claim report form.

If our staff deter­mines a med­ical claim exists and that you like­ly pur­chased your prod­uct because of the erro­neous med­ical claim, your refund will be allowed.

Cri­te­ria to qual­i­fy for this exception:

  1. You sub­mit­ted a med­ical claim report
  2. The report­ed mate­r­i­al includes a statu­to­ry med­ical claim. Mate­r­i­al and research that edu­cate read­ers of the role of oxygen/hypoxia in med­ical con­di­tions do not con­sti­tute med­ical claims for LiveO2. They are pub­lic ser­vice edu­ca­tion­al materials. 
  3. Our records show you either viewed the con­tent pri­or to pur­chase or ref­er­enced the med­ical con­di­tion in com­mu­ni­ca­tion with us.

Systems sold with Compassion Discounts are not eligible for return for refund

Sys­tems sold at a dis­count price with a com­pas­sion code or with to pro­mote a mar­ket­ing rela­tion­ship are not eli­gi­ble for return for refund. All oth­er war­ran­ty terms apply.

What is a com­pas­sion code? LiveO2 some­times offers dis­counts to indi­vid­u­als who have been befall­en by dif­fi­cult cir­cum­stances. These cir­cum­stances involve health chal­lenges which we have rea­son to believe that LiveO2 will pro­vide ben­e­fits to the purchaser.

What is an influ­encer? LiveO2 works to devel­op rela­tion­ships with indi­vid­u­als with mar­ket out­reach. If we pro­vid­ed a dis­count to facil­i­tate your expe­ri­ence to pro­mote LiveO2 to your mar­ket audience.

* Non-returnable items include:

  • Mask assem­blies (except those that are part of an unopened kit being returned with­in 14 days)
  • Breather hose (except those that are part of an unopened kit being returned with­in 14 days)
  • Items that are returned dam­aged or bro­ken (except those that are part of an open ship­ping claim)
  • Sys­tems pur­chased through finance ven­dors, Time­Pay­ment, etc.  All war­ran­ty terms still apply.
Insur­ance for Ship­ping Rec­om­mend­ed!

We strong­ly sug­gest that you insure the return ship­ment for the amount of their orig­i­nal pur­chase. We do not accept returns dam­aged in shipment. 

To request a return:

Your Phone Number:

Your Name
Your Email Address
How can we help you?

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We do not accept unau­tho­rized returns

Unau­tho­rized Returns

Returns with­out a Return Mer­chan­dise Autho­riza­tion ( RMA ) will not be accepted. 

Updated on November 4, 2024
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