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What is Your Warranty Policy

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Domestic Warranty

LiveO2 Sys­tems

LiveO2 war­ranties the orig­i­nal consumer/purchaser of the LiveO2® and LiveO2 Adap­tive Con­trast® Reser­voir that the prod­uct will be free from defects in mate­r­i­al or work­man­ship for two years from the date of pur­chase. This pol­i­cy does not include the Mask and Pulse Oxime­ter, both of which are sub­ject to a 30-day war­ran­ty under the same terms stat­ed above.

Dur­ing the war­ran­ty peri­od, the prod­uct will be either repaired or replaced by LiveO2. Except­ing the Mask and Pulse Oxime­ter with a sep­a­rate and lim­it­ed war­ran­ty as list­ed above, the stan­dard war­ran­ty cov­ers parts and labor for all com­po­nents, includ­ing the reser­voir and hoses. Air sep­a­ra­tors come with a 2‑year/2,190-hour war­ran­ty, whichev­er comes first, cov­er­ing parts and labor (see below). Should any com­po­nent fail dur­ing the war­ran­ty peri­od, the con­sumer may return the com­po­nent to LiveO2 for repair or replacement.


Dur­ing the first nine­ty (90) days (or in the case of the Mask and Pulse Oxime­ter dur­ing the first 30 days), return ship­ping will be paid for by LiveO2. After 90 days, ship­ping of the defec­tive item to LiveO2 shall be at the consumer’s expense.

The war­ran­ty does not cov­er nor­mal wear and tear, dam­age due to mis­use, abuse, acci­dents or non-com­pli­ance with the pre­cau­tions, improp­er main­te­nance or com­mer­cial use. The war­ran­ty does not cov­er any dam­ages, loss­es, costs or expens­es, direct, indi­rect or inci­den­tal, con­se­quen­tial or spe­cial, aris­ing out of, or relat­ed to the prod­uct or its use.

Oth­er Products

Oth­er prod­ucts, Keis­er Bikes, Saunas and etc. are war­rant­ed for a peri­od of one year or the war­ran­ty pro­vid­ed by the man­u­fac­tur­er whichev­er is less.

Con­sumer Rights

This war­ran­ty does not affect the consumer’s statu­to­ry rights under applic­a­ble nation­al or state laws or the consumer’s rights against the deal­er aris­ing from their sales/purchase con­tract. This lim­it­ed war­ran­ty is issued by LiveO2 for con­sumers who have pur­chased this prod­uct as the orig­i­nal pur­chas­er for use in the unit­ed states of America.

War­ran­ty with respect to this prod­uct will be lim­it­ed to coun­tries where the prod­uct has been ini­tial­ly marketed.

The mate­r­i­al here­in is for infor­ma­tion­al pur­pos­es only. The prod­uct it describes is sub­ject to change with­out notice, due to the manufacturer’s con­tin­u­ous devel­op­ment pro­gram. LiveO2 makes no rep­re­sen­ta­tions or war­ranties with respect to this man­u­al or the prod­uct described here­in. LiveO2 shall not be liable for any injuries or dam­ages, loss­es, costs or expens­es, direct, indi­rect or inci­den­tal, con­se­quen­tial, aris­ing out of, or relat­ed to the use of this mate­r­i­al or the prod­uct described here­in. The prod­uct described here­in is not intend­ed to treat, diag­nose, pre­vent or cure any dis­ease. You should con­sult your health care prac­ti­tion­er before using this product.

International Warranty and Shipping

New Equipment Damaged During Shipping

For ini­tial deliv­ery of a new prod­uct repair ship­ping expens­es will be the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the cus­tomer .

Shipped by LiveO2 to the cus­tomer pol­i­cy explained:

  1. Inter­na­tion­al ship­ping has a high­er prob­a­bil­i­ty of ship­ping dam­age. All sys­tems are pre-test­ed before ship­ping so any non-func­tion­ing new unit was test­ed pri­or to ship­ment and was shipped in good work­ing order.
  2. Any non-work­ing unit was dam­aged dur­ing shipping.
  3. Cus­tomer must inspect and report ship­ping dam­age on arrival includ­ing func­tion­al test. Beware that most equip­ment dam­aged dur­ing ship­ping usu­al­ly does NOT show vis­i­ble dam­age to packaging.
  4. It is the cus­tomer’s respon­si­bil­i­ty to work with LiveO2 to file an insur­ance claim for prod­uct dam­aged dur­ing shipping.

Prod­uct picked up at LiveO2 Dock and shipped by Cus­tomer to Cus­tomer at any inter­na­tion­al location:

  1. LiveO2 allows cus­tomers to take pos­ses­sion of prod­uct on our dock.
  2. This nor­mal­ly occurs when a cus­tomer has a rela­tion­ship with a ship­ping ven­dor and opts to man­age trans­port and cus­toms logis­tics with their own shipper.
  3. Prod­ucts that arrives at a loca­tion in non-work­ing order may be returned to our dock for repair dur­ing the war­ran­ty peri­od at the cus­tomers expense.
  4. Repaired equip­ment will be deliv­ered to our dock and the cus­tomer must arrange return shipping.

International Warranty Service Policy

Cus­tomers may return units to LiveO2 for war­ran­ty ser­vice at any time dur­ing the war­ran­ty period.

LiveO2 may either repair or replace dam­aged units at our option dur­ing the war­ran­ty peri­od. War­ran­ty repair ship­ping to and from LiveO2’s dock is the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the customer.

Units orig­i­nal­ly shipped to inter­na­tion­al des­ti­na­tions include a “for­eign war­ran­ty ser­vice” over­ride as part of the pur­chase price. This over­ride enables LiveO2 to pro­vide war­ran­ty ser­vice by sim­ple replace­ment of non-func­tion­ing unit with­out requir­ing a return non-func­tion­ing equipment.

This option is not avail­able for new equip­ment which must be man­aged as an insur­ance claim (see New Equip­ment Dam­aged Dur­ing Shipping).

Units pur­chased in the US but trans­port­ed to for­eign loca­tions do not include this “for­eign war­ran­ty ser­vice over­ride” must be returned to LiveO2 for repair. LiveO2 will bill for ship­ping and insur­ance to return repaired or replaced equipment.

This replace­ment or repair does not extend the orig­i­nal war­ran­ty peri­od even though LiveO2 may replace a old­er unit with a new­er or new unit at LiveO2’s option.

Cour­tesy Replace­ment Option. If you pur­chased a unit in the US and moved it out of the coun­try you may choose to receive a “replace­ment” air sep­a­ra­tor for $1500 + 150 + ship­ping. The war­ran­ty for this unit will be 1 year or for the remain­der of the orig­i­nal war­ran­ty peri­od whichev­er is longer.

Alert: All warranties are null and void for

  • Any 110V 60 Hz unit which was oper­at­ed on a 50 Hz pow­er sup­ply. You can nev­er use a 110V US pow­er sup­ply unit in the EU because the 50 Hz pow­er will burn up the motor.
  • Any 220V 50 Hz unit which was ever used on a 60 Hz pow­er supply.

Extended Warranty

With a pur­chase of the Extend­ed War­ran­ty, the prod­uct can be repaired or replaced by LiveO2 at no addi­tion­al cost to the cus­tomer in the case of a com­po­nent fail­ure. The war­ran­ty cov­ers parts and labor for all com­po­nents, includ­ing the reser­voir and hoses. Sys­tems are cov­ered by a 4,380 hours / 4‑year war­ran­ty, whichev­er comes first, cov­er­ing parts and labor (see below). Should any com­po­nent fail dur­ing the war­ran­ty peri­od, the con­sumer may return the com­po­nent to LiveO2 for repair or replacement.


Dur­ing the first nine­ty (90) days (or in the case of the Mask and Pulse Oxime­ter dur­ing the first 30 days), return ship­ping will be paid for by LiveO2. After 90 days, ship­ping of the defec­tive item to LiveO2 shall be at the consumer’s expense.

The war­ran­ty does not cov­er nor­mal wear and tear, dam­age due to mis­use, abuse, acci­dents or non-com­pli­ance with the pre­cau­tions, improp­er main­te­nance or com­mer­cial use. The war­ran­ty does not cov­er any dam­ages, loss­es, costs or expens­es, direct, indi­rect or inci­den­tal, con­se­quen­tial or spe­cial, aris­ing out of, or relat­ed to the prod­uct or its use.

Time peri­od 

The extend­ed war­ran­ty will be valid for four years from the date of purchase. 

Hours of use 

The Extend­ed war­ran­ty is also lim­it­ed by the num­ber of hours the sys­tem has been in use. The Air sep­a­ra­tor has a counter to show the hours the sys­tem has been in oper­a­tion. The extend­ed war­ran­ty allows for 4,380 hours of sys­tem run time, which equals 3 hours daily. 

Extend­ed War­ran­ty Expiration 

The war­ran­ty will expire when either four years or 4,380 hours of sys­tem run time have passed, whichev­er comes first. 

Extend­ed War­ran­ty Claims 

If you need to claim a dam­aged sys­tem, first con­tact your sup­port rep­re­sen­ta­tive. You can make an appoint­ment on your rep­re­sen­ta­tive’s appoint­ment cal­en­dar at this link.  https://liveo2.com/contact/

Different Equipment

New Air Sep­a­ra­tors:
The War­ran­ty on an Airsep Vision­aire 5LPM air sep­a­ra­tor is a 2‑year/2,190-hour war­ran­ty, whichev­er comes first, cov­er­ing parts and labor. Any asso­ci­at­ed ship­ping costs or war­ran­ty ser­vic­ing are the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the cus­tomer after the first 90 days from when order was received.

The War­ran­ty on an Airsep Inten­si­ty 10LPM air sep­a­ra­tor is a 2‑year/2,190-hour war­ran­ty, whichev­er comes first, cov­er­ing parts and labor. Any asso­ci­at­ed ship­ping costs or war­ran­ty ser­vic­ing are the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the customer.

All Airsep air sep­a­ra­tors shipped inter­na­tion­al­ly are sub­ject to the same war­ran­ty pol­i­cy stat­ed above. How­ev­er, for inter­na­tion­al orders, all asso­ci­at­ed ship­ping costs are the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the cus­tomer after the order is orig­i­nal­ly shipped.

Refurbished Air Separators:

If you have pur­chased a refur­bished sys­tem from LiveO2 pri­or to May 1, 2015, the fol­low­ing war­ran­ty pol­i­cy applies.

The War­ran­ty on a 5LPM refur­bished air sep­a­ra­tor from Oxy­gen Plus is a 2‑year/2,190-hour war­ran­ty, whichev­er comes first, cov­er­ing parts and labor.

The War­ran­ty on a 10LPM mod­i­fied refur­bished air sep­a­ra­tor from Oxy­gen Plus is one year.

No war­ranties are offered by Oxy­gen Plus when air sep­a­ra­tors are shipped out­side of the con­ti­nen­tal US.

If you have pur­chased a refur­bished sys­tem from LiveO2 after April 30, 2015, there is a lim­it­ed 90-day war­ran­ty asso­ci­at­ed, parts and labor only.

Non-Transferrable Warranty

The terms of this war­ran­ty apply only to the orig­i­nal pur­chas­er for sales from LiveO2.com or through an autho­rized reseller. 

Repair Instructions


  • Cre­ate a ticket 
  • Tick­et must include infor­ma­tion to enable us to locate your order. An order num­ber, email and phone num­ber. We will use this infor­ma­tion to look up your order and deter­mine your war­ran­ty status.
  • After we find your order, we will assign an RMA and send you return for repair instruc­tions to the email you provide.
Updated on July 8, 2024
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